July 18, 2008

Friday July 18

Now, don't freak out.
Stay calm, cool, and collected...AND GET YOUR HAND AWAY FROM THAT RADIO BUTTON !

It's "Mancow's Morning Madhouse".
That's what you'll be hearing on Classic Hits WUUS from 6a - 10a from now on.
It's a funny, topical show with a zany cast of characters.
I know many of you were used to hearing music during that time period, but give Mancow a listen. It's a lot better than most morning shows you've been exposed to.
Doing Mancow's Morning Madhouse will allow me to get out and do more things with our great community, and I'm looking forward to it.
Like the old Alkz-Seltzer jingles used to say: "Try it ... you'll like it" !

July 16, 2008

Wednesday, July 16

Today's Blog Post will be short - at least initially.
"Farfegnugen" * rhymes with "Chattanoogan"
Coincidence ?
I Think Not.
* Incidentally, "Farfegnugen" is German for 'driving pleasure.'

July 14, 2008

Monday, July 14

Congratulations and kudos to Chattanooga's own Karah Nazor. She's the daughter of Karen Nazor Hill of the Chattanooga Times Free Press. Karah is working on her post - Ph.D work, and lives in San Fransisco. For exercise and relaxation, Karah swims.
A lot.
She's been swimming - competitively - since childhood. She's 31 years old now, and wrap your mind around this:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karah just completed a swim across the English Channel !
( Insert applause sounds effects here )
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Beginning in Dover, England, and winding up in Calais, France,Karah becomes the ONLY person from Tennessee to ever complete the swim.
It's 21 miles in length, in water temperatures below 60 degrees. Now, you've also got to take into consideration the tidal action of the English Channel, fatigue, and critters that swim in those same waters. Critters that like to nibble.
Karah not only survived, she thrived. She completed the swim in 12 hours and 28 minutes.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Another really cool aspect of her swim: She accepted pledges for the Wounded Warrior Project. Their spokesperson, Jeremy Feldbusch, was blinded while fighting in Iraq back in 2003. The final dollar amount Karah raised has yet to be determined, although it's substantial....but not as substantial as the training, determination, and pure grit Karah has put in to realize her life-long dream.
Karah and her family are now off to enjoy a few well-deserved days in Wales. Then, she'll return to the United States and figure out what "the next big thing" is. Whatever it is...I'm betting she'll do whatever it takes to make it happen.
Check out these sites for more about this amazing woman and her amazing journey:
Congratulations, Karah !

July 11, 2008

Another Weekend - And Not A Day Too Soon !

A really cool band tonight at Nightfall - it's "Bonerama".
Lots of brass, Lots of guitars, and LOTS of trombones. They've got 4...count 'em, FOUR !
I don't think my high school band had four trombones in the whole brass section !
Anyway, check out Nightfall tonight at Miller Park, the show starts at 7pm with Up With The Joneses warming up.
You'll like this show.
Guaranteed or your money back.

If gospel and bluegrass is more your style, check out the half moon festival.
That'll be happening in beautiful Ten Mile, Tennessee Sunday starting at 12 Noon.

Now...check this out: Blues and Barbecue in abundance will be available at First Tennessee Pavilion Saturday, and it's a fund raiser for the Chattanooga Area Food Bank.
I interviewed Scott Holt Thursday, and lemme tell ya, this guy knows how to work a guitar !
Get this: Buddy Guy taught him how to play guitar !
Don't miss this show at First Tennessee Pavilion !
Call the Food Bank if you'd like more info.

Chattanooga Market Sunday starting at noon. I'm hoping to finally do the lunch thing with Chris Thomas and tell you more about the market - PLUS the ChattaHippie Festival - sometime next week.

Have a great weekend, and don't forget to join me at Bay Tanning Salon Saturday, July 12, from

July 10, 2008

Thursday, July 10


One week from today, on Thursday, July 17, Classic Hits WUUS will actually do a custom Slender-Wrap on the air !
The only thing is...we have to find someone to actually wrap up !
Now, I've seen this done, and I gotta admit, it's pretty cool. And the inches & weight lost will amaze you as well.
If you'd like to be entered and win a FREE Slender Wrap for you or someone you know, go to
our website, http://www.wuusradio.com/ and hit the contest button. There, you'll be able to enter. You can also send an email to studio@wuusradio.com, and tell us WHY you want to be wrapped.
One lucky listener gets it next Thursday, July 17, on Classic Hits WUUS !

Also, we're giving away 'Fast Cash For Gas' with Goody's. Go to the Goody's site through http://www.wuusradio.com/ and you might win some much-needed cash, you might also win a trip to Niagara Falls. But - you can't win if you don't enter.

Listen for more details on Classic Hits WUUS !

July 9, 2008

Wednesday, July 9

Happy Hump Day !

Friends of the Festival, the group that runs Riverbend, has announced the lineup for the free concert series 'Riverfront Nights'.
The concerts are free and will return to the Riverfront area at Ross's Landing on Friday nights beginning August 2nd. Each show will have a local opening act as well, so between Nightfall and Riverfront nights, there's no reason not to have a great time each and every Friday !
Check out their site, http://www.riverfrontnights.com

Also - and I'm getting more and more excited about this - look for the first annual Chattanooga Hippie Festival ! Appropriately enough, it's called ChattaHippie, and the group that now runs the Chattanooga Market is staging this three day festival. Check out http://www.chattahippie.com
for more details.
Get your tickets for this while the getting is good !

I've been listening a lot to Tom Kent as of late...what a great show this guy has!
And if you're NOT listening to Tom Kent...shame on ya !
T.K. is here on Classic Hits WUUS every night...including weekends...beginning at 7:00pm.
Tune in and enjoy the ride.

July 7, 2008

Monday, July 7th

It's Monday, July 8th. Back to work, and for those attending classes, it's back to school. The first full week after what was a great holiday weekend !

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello at the "Pops On The Water" concert and fireworks show at Coolidge Park. I'm always amazed at the number of folks who stop me with a
few kind words about Classic Hits WUUS, or to say they miss seeing me on television. It reaffirms my long-stated belief about what a great, friendly community we are fortunate enough to live in.

Coolidge Park itself...what a beautiful jewel on our city's crown ! And I think the fireworks this year were beyond compare. Congratulations to Don Sharp who coordinated the spectacular show. Great job Don...but how are you gonnna top it next year ?

I just spoke with Chris Thomas, the operator of The Chattanooga Market. Not only does he have a very cool thing at the Chattanooga Market, there's gonna be something else very cool....and very, verrrrrrry big.
Large !

It's called ChattaHippie. ChattaHippie is a three day festival of music and all the fun it entails.
Check it out for yourself at http://www.chattahippie.com

July 1, 2008

Tuesday, July 1st

Lots of things hapening this week - it's a short week work - wise for many, a busy travel week, and we've got this little thing called "Independence Day" happening this Friday.

If you're looking for fireworks, look at the list below. It'll give you the heads up on what's happening, where and when !

Thursday, July 3rd:

Don't miss the Chattanooga Symphony Pops On The River Concert, with
fireworks to follow. It's at Coolidge Park, and admission is free.

The Chattanooga Lookouts are at home all week, and they'll play the West
Tennessee DiamondJaxx Thursday night. Fireworks will follow the game.

The East Tennessee Symphony & Orchestra concert begins at 8pm. It'll be
held at Veteran's Park, and the fireworks will be at the ballfields on Little
Debbie Parkway.

Fort Oglethorpe:
It's 'Patriotism At The Post' starting at 8pm. Lots of family activities, a concert,
and the fireworks to follow on Barnhardt Circle.

Fort Payne:
The Independence Day Celebration will be held at Fort Payne High School.
The gates will open up around 5:30, and they'll serve hambugers & hot dogs, live
entertainment. and fireworks at dusk - thirty.

Friday, July 4th:
Fireworks starting at 10:00pm at the Athens Regional Park.
Fireworks at Heritage Point Park starting about 9:30pm.
The parade starts at 10:00am, the concert at 6:30pm, and the fireworks begin at 9:00pm.
There's a square dance at Cherry Street & Highway 127 intersection, a concert at Forrest Cate Ford at 6:30pm, and fireworks at the center of town starting about 9pm.
Henegar, AL.
The Sand Mtn. Potato festival going on all day long. Fireworks to follow.
Fireworks at City Hall about 9:00pm.
Lafayette, GA.
The Freedom Festival begins at 5pm and goes until 11:00pm.
Lake Winnepesaukah:
The annual fireworks show begins at the park at 10:00pm.
Signal Mtn:
The Lions Club annual barbeque, family entertainment, arts and crafts, and fireworks at dark.
This is always a big event, and takes place behind the Signal Mountain Golf & Country Club.
Plus, it benefits the great programs the Lions Club is involved with on a year round basis.
Soddy Daisy:
The 4th of July festival & Celebration takes place at Soddy Lake starting at 9am, and goes all day, concluding with fireworks at dark.
South Pittsburg:
4th of July Celebration at the River Park in South Pittsburg, starting at 11am and ending with fireworks at dark.
THINK SAFETY if you're doing fireworks on your own. Have a hose and fire extinguisher handy, and let someone ignite the fireworks who knows what they are doing and hasn't been drinking.
Also, on this Tuesday, July 1st, it was four years ago I got married. If you had been at the beach on Diamond Head in Hawaii, you'd have seen the happiest man in the world. Happy Anniversary to the Lovely Lynn Chapman, my shining star and soul mate.
Not to mention my LOML.
I'm a lucky man, and I give thanks for her everyday.

June 30, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008, Part II

I told you I'd have another entry on this morning's blog. Something you can actually use to save time and money when it comes to shopping for fuel, regardless if its gasoline or diesel.

Here are two really informative websites: They're somewhat related, so I'll give you a link to both. Try them out and bookmark which one serves your needs best. Personally, the FIRST one helps me out more, but hey ~ to each his own ! Let me know what you think.


- OR -


With the way the fuel economy is now, saving a few pennies here and there will eventually add up to real dollars. Drive cautiously and if you're the parent of a teenager or young adult, please pass this message along:
STAY OFF THE PHONE WHILE DRIVING ! Also, if they MUST use the phone while driving, DO NOT TEXT ANYONE FOR ANY REASON !

This past weekend, I saw a teenage driving Mommy or Daddy's car. Take my word on this, it was way too nice a car for a teen to be driving it. It HAD to be Mommy or Daddy's.
And the kid ( male ) was texting while driving. Obviously, the texting was more important than the driving, because the kid was veering all over the road.
That kid should consider himself lucky that I wasn't a cop. He'd have had a ticket faster than he could text the message 'OMG I'm busted' to his best friend on speed-dial.
And if you've seen 'em text...you know how quick that is !

Monday, June 30

And today is the earliest blog entry time-wise ever recorded by a member of the WUUS staff.
More later.
No, I'm as serious as a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. It's the earliest post EVER !
And also the only one that's been centered in the page.
Hey - you gotta take your victories where you can get 'em !

June 27, 2008

Friday, June 27, Two-Double-Oh-Eight

Hello gang - and I hope you're ready for the weekend ahead, the final weekend of June and the first official full weekend of summer !

As usual, there are happenings aplenty in and around the Scenic City this weekend.

First off, Chris Thomas and The Chattanooga Market will be back in full swing this Sunday starting at high noon o'clock. ( That's 12:00pm for those of you who can't decipher my sometimes strange way of writing ). I can't tell you how impressed I was on my visit to The Chattanooga Market last weekend.
Truly, an assortment of vendors and products that The Chattanooga Market has not ever seen before. Artists, Craftsmen, Farmers, Musicians, and shoppers owe Chris and his staff a big round of thanks. Check out their site at http://www.chattanoogamarket.com/

If you're going to Pops in The Park on Thursday at Coolidge Park, here's something that's pretty cool and they're doing it for the first time ever: Free Valet Parking...for your bicycles !
The event starts at 6:00pm, and you can park your bike at the lot on the east side of the Walnut Street Bridge...valet style !
Call Phillip at 643-6887 for more info.

Something pretty cool is going on at the Creative Discovery Museum this weekend...Clifford The Big Red Dog will make an appearance Saturday. Clifford will also serve as the ' head dog ' - The Grand Marshall - at the Dog Days Of Summer Parade. Chattanoogans and their dogs will turn out in force for the event. You can check out http://www.cdmfun.org/
if you'd like more info. *** These three little asterisk thingys mean look below for a special message from my dog, Bruiser.

Nightfall starts at 7pm at Miller Plaza. Opening act this week is Ogya, and the headliner is Groundation. These guys are on a coast to coast tour, and their mid-south stop is in Chattanooga tonight. Don't miss it.
The rest of the Nightfall lineup for the season is at http://www.downtownchattanooga.org/

Like beach music ? Check out this site: http://www.mainstreetcleveland.com/
The folks in Cleveland get to enjoy a primo beach music band and classic car cruise-in.
The Tsunami Wave Riders will provide the music.
The party starts Saturday at 3pm at the Bradley County Courthouse.

Have a safe and happy weekend from all of us at Classic Hits WUUS !

*** Bow-wow. Woof. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrowl. {{{{{ wagggggggg }}}}}. SNIFF !!!
Howl !

June 23, 2008

Monday, June 23

Happy Monday - in spite of the news of the death of comedian George Carlin.

Carlin certainly had a long and storied career. I saw an old video of him recently doing a bit on the Ed Sullivan Show. Clean shaven, bug eyed, and hilariously funny.
While his language was perhaps a bit "saltier" than necessary to make his point, Carlin would always leave you thinking about something.

He had a history of heart problems, and this heart attack is the one that did him in. One of my favorite bits was Carlin talking about Richard Pryor.
Carlin: " So Pryor and me are getting competitive, you know....he had a heart attack, and then I had a heart attack, and then he had another heart attack, and then I had another heart attack, and then he set himself on fire...that's when I said ( insert deletive here ) it !

Carlin...a funny man who left us all too soon.
He was 71.

On another note: I went to the Chattanooga Market this past Sunday...wow ! What a great job Chris Thomas and company have done with that. Congratulations to their staff for a job well done. Lots of different vendors, lots of people browsing, shopping, and enjoying the music. The Chattanooga Market is open each Sunday from 12 Noon until 5:00pm.

June 20, 2008

Friday, June 20

Friday. Fry-day. Woo-Hoo...and welcome to the weekend !
Lotsa things happening in and around the Scenic City this weekend.

Among them, the grand re-opening of the Chattanooga Zoo at Warmer Park. Us old timers remember it as the Warner Park Zoo, but Darde and her staff have really gone through the Zoo, exhibit-by-exhibit, and done a major facelift to the entire place...especially at the main entrance.
Check it out for yourself !
Saturday, it's the birthday party for Hank. (Hank's turning 40). Also, live entertainment, food, and more. Hank's cake gets cut at 12 noon. Call 697-1322 for more info.

Saturday is also National Go Skate Day. More than 500 folks will gather starting at 10:30am at
Riverfront Parkway for a massive skate, whether it be on rollerblades, skateboards, or conventional roller skates.
http://goskateboardingday.org will get you more information.

Nightfall retunrs to Miller Plaza tonight after it's annual Riverbend Break.
Backdoor Slam and Dylan Kussman will take the stage, and as always, admission is free.
You can see the rest of the Nightfall lineup at http://www.downtownchattanooga.org

Stay safe this weekend, and stay tuned to the Classic Hits on WUUS !

June 16, 2008

Monday, June 16

The post-Riverbend / Bonnaroo / Father's Day / Monday is here.
The Monday AFTER everything is over with.
Do you feel sorta let down & anti-climatic ?

When I become King, I'll do us all a favor and make this a national holiday.
A day AFTER a weekend like this for everyone to simply - to use a word I recently heard - "chillax"

"Chillax" is a combination of "chill out" and "relax".

Who makes these words up?
I wanna see them in my office at 10:00am.

June 13, 2008

Friday, June 13

Well....here it is. the day many have been dreading - Friday, the 13th.
Are you superstitious ?

I'm not...but, on ANY Friday the 13th, it never hurts to use a little extra caution.
Triskadeckiaphobia - the fear of the 13th number - is said by some to
originate back in biblical times.
Triskaidekaphobia is a fear of the number 13. It is usually considered to be a superstition. A specific fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia.

The superstition has been linked to the fact there were 13 people at the last supper of Jesus. It has also been linked to that fact that a lunisolar calendar must have 13 months in some years, while the solar Gregorian calendar and lunar Islamic calendar always have 12 months in a year.

Remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you !

That's it for this morning's entry...some guy just busted in here and said he's here to repossess the computer & keyboard ! HOW ABSURD !!
Isn't that the stupidest thing you ever ______________________________________

June 11, 2008

Wednesday, June 11

Ahhh - Hump Day. Halfway though the work week & halfway through Riverbend. Hope you've enjoyed the festival so far.
Still ahead, it's Josh Turner, riding "The Long Black Train" into Chattanooga tonight on the Coke Stage.
Tomorrow, it's ZZ Top, Friday it's Rodney Atkins, and the festival closes Saturday with the Bachman-Cummings Band.
It's a toss-up on who'll draw the bigger crowd, ZZ Top or the final night with Bachman-Cummings & Fireworks. Smart oney...or at least my money...goes with ZZ Top.

Dress comfortably, stay hydrated with lots of water, and stay safe at the festival.

June 9, 2008

Monday, June 9

"Monday, Monday" - The Mamas & The Pappas
" I'll Be Home On A Monday" - The Little River Band
" I Don't Like Mondays" - The Boomtown Rats

Just a few little tunes to spark the imagination for some people's least favorite day of the week.

Well, its Riverbend Monday...the biggest party of the year moves down to M.L. King Boulevard, and Riverbenders by the thousands will be descending on the Boulevard for the Bessie Smith Strut.
Trombone Shorty from New Orleans will take the stage at 7:00pm tonight at the Bessie Smith Hall. Shorty has performed with Lenny Kravitz, Green Day, and U-2 among others. Quite a show, from what I hear. Many other entertainers will be up and down "The Boulevard" for what many say is the best night of the festival. I don't know if it's the best night, but it certainly is one of the most fun. And remember, you don't need a pin to get in The Strut...but you DO need to wear comfortable shoes and drink plenty of water. As hot & humid as it's been so far, don't be one of the heat - related casualties that invariably pop up at The Strut.

Did Paul say it would be like this ?

June 4, 2008

Wednesday, June 4

Today is Wednesday, June 4, 208. At the time this is being written, we are only about 91 hours away from the kickoff of Riverbend 2008 !
Lots of great classic hits artists will be performing, like Randy Bachman & Burton Cummings, from Grand Funk Railroad and The Guess Who, respectively. Together. One Band with two separate musical histories to draw from. THAT should be an incredible show.

Also, America will be performing with our own Chattanooga Symphony. Bob Bernhardt, the CSO conductor, always gets a kick out of playing with contemporary artists like America. In recent years, the CSO has done shows with The Moody Blues, Michael McDonald, and many others. It's always a treat, both for the audience as well as the performers.

Speaking of Riverbend and this time of year when it gets soooooooo very hot, remember these hot weather precautions:

Dress comfortably in light colored clothing. Take frequent breaks if you're doing a lot of physical activity outdoors. And above all, stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and sports drinks designed to replenish your bodily fluids.
For Riverbenders, this does NOT mean "have another beer". It means "drink water" Lots of it.
And be safe...let's make this one an accident-free festival this year !

June 2, 2008

Monday, June 2nd !

Hey, Hey Hey ! It's the very first Monday of June, and that always means two things.
Thing number one: Haze, Heat and Humidity are in the forecast !
Thingy number two: Riverbend can't be far away !

As of this writing, Chattanooga's biggest party kicks off in approximately 121 hours. None days of music, food, and fun. With Riverbend also comes the street closures, and they've already gone into effect.

Riverside Drive & Riverfront Parkway from East 2nd Street to M.L. King Boulevard will be closed through Thursday, June 19.
Second Street from Chestnut Street to Power Alley between 2nd & 3rd will be closed through Thursday, June 19.
Riverside Drive WESTBOUND will be closed each night from 3pm until 12 midnight.
Second Street at Walnut as well as Lookout at Third will be closed from 5pm until 12 midnight.

If you'd like to find out more, make sure and check out http://www.riverbendfestival.com/

Also, make sure and listen each weekday morning to Classic Hits WUUS from 5:30am until the end of the 97 minute music marathon. It's good for my ego !
Not only is it good for my ego, but listening then may get you qualified for the Classic Hits WUUS Father's Day Prize Package. The special Dad in your life may win four rounds of golf, complete with cart at Mocassin Bend, a $200.00 gift certificate from Rone Regency Jewlers, a $200.00 gift certificate from Sears Shoes in Ft. Oglethorpe, a whitening pen from Shabo Dental Center, and come cool cutlery from Sportsman's Warehouse !

Did I mention that it would be good for my ego ?

May 29, 2008

Thursday, May 29

Here we go with a mish-mash of items.
Odds & Ends.
A potpourri of pleasing passages for your personal practices.
A cornucopia of commanding conversions for your consumption.

Traffic items worthy of mention:
The annual Riverbend road closures will go into effect this Sunday, June 1st.
Riverside Drive & Riverfront Parkway from East 2nd Street to M.L. King Boulevard will be closed from Sunday, June 1st through Thursday, June 19.

Second Street from Chestnut Street to Power Alley between 2nd & 3rd will be closed through Thursday, June 19.

Riverside Drive WESTBOUND will be closed each night from 3pm until 12 midnight.

Second Street at Walnut as well as Lookout at Third will be closed from 5pm until 12 midnight

Now, if you still want or need to get into the downtown area without walking, consider CARTA buses or maybe the water taxi. You can also park at the Choo Choo or any spaces in that area of downtown and catch the free shuttle into the heart of the city.

Speaking of Riverbed, make sure and listen to Classic Hits WUUS for your chance to win Riverbend Pins, and maybe...just maybe...special box seats for America, playing with the Chattanooga Symphony.

Don't forget our new friend, Kaylee Radzyminski. She's the Cleveland, Tennessee teenager who has personally organized a movement to collect 500,000 CD's, DVD's, and books on CD for military troops stationed overseas. So far, Kaylee has collected 215,000, and hopefully she'll hit her half-million goal by Christmas.
Larry King thought her idea was so neat, he profiled her on "Larry King live" last week.
Help this young lady out. For a 17 year old teenager, she has a heck of a lot on the ball.
Check out her site...it is http://www.tunes4thetroops.org

May 23, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008


I had the opportunity to chat on the air with a young lady named Kaylee Radzyminski.
I was very impressed.
Kaylee is a 17 year old Cleveland, Tennessee teenager who has come up with an incredible idea called tunes4thetroops.

This idea is so cool, Larry King sent a crew from CNN to hang out with her for a couple of days, and she was profiled on Larry King Live Thursday night.
This idea is so cool, we're gonna sort of adopt Kaylee to make sure she gets her project done.

Her website is http://www.tunes4thetroops.org

Her idea is to gather 500,000 ( that's a half a million ) CD's, DVD's, & books on CD for distribution to military folks all around the world. She already has collected 215,000 discs. Let's help her get the other 285,000 she needs to meet her goal.

That's an incredible undertaking for anyone...much less a 17 year old girl !

Help her out ! Gather up your new or used CD's, DVD's, and books on CD and send them to P.O. Box 2008, Cleveland, Tennessee 37320. She'll also accept any cash donations.

Again, her website is http://www.tunes4thetroops.org

Make it happen, Chattanooga...make it happen !


Chip Chapman

May 20, 2008

Tuesday, May 20

Well, well, well - Memorial Day is right around the corner, and gas prices are inching their way up to four dollars per gallon. If you're a miler-miser, here's a great site to really help you maximize the mileage.
I've been to this site, and it's got some great tip to help you stretch the most out of your fuel dollar.
Enter your car's model and year and it'll tell you the total you can save from the six easiest gas saving moves. The example given from the Associated Press shows the driver of a 2008 Volkswagen Passat Wagon (which is one of the most fuel efficient mid-size wagons )
can save over 400.00 a year on fuel ! And that's factored at gas being 3.79 per gallon !
Check it out at http://www.drivesmarterchallenge.org

Speaking of Memorial Day...drive safely this holiday weekend. Party safely, party responsibly, and party with Classic Hits WUUS ! And don't drink and drive...we don't want to wait in traffic while they scrape your remains off the roadway.

May 19, 2008

Monday, May 19

I hope each of you had a great weekend. Allow me a moment to say a heartfelt "thanks" to each of you for participating in the 2008 Tour de Cure. This great benefit raised a whopping $80,000 ( and still counting ) for the great work done by the American Diabetes Association.
Saddle sores in abundance, but what a great turnout.

If you haven't gotten your pledges and other donations in to the ADA, please do so right away. You may call 1-888-DIABETES. That's 1-800-342-2383, and ask for Jennifer at extension 3343.
Make sure and join Classic Hits WUUS for next year's "Tour de Cure" !

Thanks to everyone also who came out as we took the Classic hits Show On the Road to Capital Toyota and Lexus Of Chattanooga this past Thursday, Friday & Saturday ! Lots of people signed up to win the first set of Riverbend Pins. Big Dale Mitchell will announce the winner Monday afternoon between 2pm & 6pm here on Classic Hits WUUS !

May 16, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

Lots of things happening around the Scenic City this weekend - here are just a few :
The Dayton Strawberry Festival going on all weekend in Rhea County. Live music, the world's biggest strawberry shortcake, a cool car cruise-in, and more. The entertainment is centered around the Rhea County Courthouse. Call 423-757-0361
The All-American Soap Box Derby returns to Chattanooga this weekend !
This event is a hoot, and we're happy to welcome it back after a 25 year absence.
It starts at 9am Saturday, and will be at the ReDoubt Soccer Complex on Bonny Oaks Drive. Call 596-7726.
Grab some friends, co-workers, and the bikes...the Tour De Cure '08 kicks off Saturday morning at the Colonnade in Ringgold to benefit the American Diabetes Association. You can ride 25, 62, or 100 miles, and they'll provide refreshments. Go to http://www/tour.diabetes.org or call 400 7233
got an event you'd like us to talk about? Send it to us at studio@wuusradio.com
Have a great weekend from all of us at Classic hits WUUS !

May 15, 2008

Thursday, May 15

Today is Thursday, May 15.
This is National Peace Officers Memorial Day.
It's hard to believe, but since they began keeping records, more than 19,000 police officers have died in the line of duty.
Locally, 36 officers have lost their lives while serving and protecting us.
Take a few minutes and go down to the memorial service. It begins at 10:00am this morning at the Sheriff's office at 600 Market Street.
And while you're there, pick out an officer or two...shake hands or give 'em a hug....and say "Thanks".

May 12, 2008

Monday, May 12

Here we go into a brand new week ! I hope all of you had an enjoyable visit with Mom for Mother's Day. Hamilton County students (and teachers) are counting down the days until school is out ! The final day for students is May 21st.

I was looking around in cyberspace and found a few sites that I thought you might get a kick out of. Check a few of these out.

This is Bike to Work Week... save some fuel this week and ride your bike to work. Visit the League of American Bicyclists for promotional materials, and special events.http://www.bikeleague.org/programs/bikemonth/

This is National Children's Book Week, take a moment to listen to a child read a children's book and get your kid more involved in the world of reading.http://bookweekonline.com/index1.html

This is also Reading Is Fun week visit the Reading Is Fundamental site for ways to "make each day a little wacky and a lot fun fun" with reading.http://www.rif.org/rif_week.mspx

This is National Receptionists Week and Wednesday is National Receptionists Day. This is a time to make sure your "front line personnel" is recognized for the important work they do. Visiting the National Receptionists Association to find out more.http://www.nationalreceptionists.com/

This is National Police Week and Thursday is Peace Officer Memorial Day. Visit the American Police Hall of Fame and Museum to fine out more. http://www.aphf.org/

Also, make sure and join Classic Hits WUUS this week as we hit the road.
Thursday, we're at Capital Toyota from 5pm until 8pm.
Friday, it's Capital Toyota from 3pm until 6pm, and Saturday, we hop over to Lexus Of Chattanooga from 11am until 2pm.
We'll see you there !

May 8, 2008

Thursday, May 8

Wow - much has happened since we last touched base.

A sad ending...very sad...to an otherwise great Kentucky Derby. The death of the filly Eight Belles has the world of horse racing in an uproar.
While it's very sad to see a beautiful animal like that end it's life in that manner, it's a part of the culture of racing. Maybe one of the elements that made this so tragic is the immediacy of Eight Belles death.
I mean, after coming in second in the world's most famous race and to be dead five minutes
later -
Two years ago, when Barbaro was injured in the Preakness, the horse racing world went through a similar emotional roller-coaster. But one thing that made Barbaro's passing seem more dramatic was the time frame...it was several months and several surgeries later that the decision had to be made to put him down.
I suppose one of the points I'm making is to treat your acquaintances - ALL of them, both two legged and four legged - as if that may be the final time you'll be able to enjoy each other's company.
And you should double that thought process with Mother's Day coming up this weekend.

May 2, 2008

Friday, May 2

Welcome to yet another Friday and yet another weekend here in the Scenic City !
As we head into the weekend, remember the Armed Forces Day Parade downtown.
It's well worth taking a few minutes and going downtown to check it out...it will make you feel a bit more patriotic, and a lot more grateful to be living in the greatest country in the world !

Some other things happening around the area this weeknd:

Thomas The Tank Engine is at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum.

To celebrate Conco De Mayo, the Chattanooga Market is holding their Hispanic Fair this Sunday. The doors open up at First Tennessee Pavillion at 12 Noon.

Downhome Days in Chickamauge is happeing this weekend. Check out their site at http://www.downhomedays.com

The Tommy Jett Entertainers Reunion is Sunday at the new Town & Country Restaurant on East 23rd. Street.
The doors open to the general public at 3pm.

The Traditional Jess Festival here in Chattanooga is also happening this weekend. It will be going on all weekend long at the Choo Choo.

Have a safe and happy weekend from all of us at Classic Hits WUUS !

April 28, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

What a great weekend entertainment - wise here in the Tennessee Valley !

First of all, if you missed the comedian "Gallagher" at The Comedy Catch, you missed quite a show ! Quite a show.
Gallagher was the first real superstar comedian to come out of the early days of cable television.
He's a real craftsman at what he does, and has a great way or incorporating the crowd reaction into his act.
Gallagher also brought the world-famous 'Sledge-O-Matic' back into his act for the final show on Friday night. The 'Sledge-O-Matic' bit had been retired from the Gallagher stand-up routine for quite some time now...until Friday night at The Comedy Catch.
You folks who were sitting in the front few rows...Good luck in washing the watermelon out.

If I wore a hat, I'd tip it to George Parker, who promoted the 1st Annual Southside Blues Festival Saturday at the First Tennessee Bank Pavillion. Good crowd and GREAT music !
Robert Cray simply blew the crowd away that night.
He's probably one of the best guitar players on the circuit. But if you're capable of opening up for Eric Clapton and B.B. King, what do you expect ?
Brother Parker tells me he has even more great musical acts up his sleeve.
Great job putting the Blues Festival together, George...great job.

There was cornbread aplenty in South Pittsburg over the weekend as well. Organizers tell me the 12th annual National Cornbread festival drew people from all over the country, and more money was raised for the Marion County Children's fund that ever before.
Kudos ! And thanks to everyone who stopped by Capital Toyota & Lexus of Chattanooga to see us at our remotes this weekend. Our NEXT appearance at Capital Toyota & Lexus of Chattanooga is set for Thursday & Friday May 15 & 16. We'll see you then !

April 23, 2008

Bits & Pieces

A few bits and pieces, odds and ends, whatever you want to call 'em:

Don't forget the Tennessee Tax Holiday Weekend is coming up this weekend, from Friday through Sunday April 25, 26 & 27.
More details available at http://www.tntaxholiday.com

The Classic Hits WUUS / Hospice of Chattanoga 3rd annual golf tournament is this coming Monday, April 28. The tournament will be help at the Champions Club at Hampton Creek.
Many levels of sponsorship will be available, and all proceeds benefit the great work the folks at Hospice at Chattanooga perform on a daily basis.
Check it out !

Tom Kent hits the airwaves at Classic Hits WUUS within the next few days. A great show each night from 7:00pm till Midnight. Wanna get a sneak peek?
Visit his website at http://www.tomkent.com

April 21, 2008

Monday, April 21

Get ready, Classic Hits music fans !
Chattanooga's Classic Hits Station, WUUS, will soon be the Chattanooga Home of Truckin' Tom Kent !
Between now and the first of May, Truckin' Tom will make his debut on Classic Hits WUUS doing a night show chock full of energy, requests, and tons of Classic Hits.
Tom's been in the radio business for many, many years, and knows what it takes to make nights fun and entertaining !
As soon as the exact date is nailed down, we'll let you know here on Classic Hits WUUS !

April 14, 2008

It's Monday - And Tax Day Approaches !

The following is STRICTLY intended as a joke.
Do NOT try this with the I.R.S.
Even though they supposedly are a "kinder, gentler" Internal Revenue Service, I wouldn't suggest putting their sense of humor to the test.

Always put extra paper clips on your forms. Any foreign fasteners or the like have to be removed and put away.

Always put staples in the right hand corner. Go ahead and put them down the whole right side. The extractors who remove the mail from the envelopes have to take out any staples on the right side.

If you send two checks, they'll have to staple your unsightly envelope to your half destroyed form.

If you're very unfortunate and have to pay taxes, send two or three party checks. On top of paying with a third party check, pay one of the dollars you owe in cash. When an extractor receives cash, no matter how small an amount, he has to take it to a special desk and fill out of few nasty forms.

Line the bottom of your envelope with Elmer's glue and let it dry before you put in you forms, so that the automated opener doesn't open it and the extractor has to open it by hand.

Never arrange paperwork in the right order, or even facing the right way. Put a few upside down and backwards. That way they have to remove all your staples, rearrange your paperwork and re-staple it (on the left side).

Sign your name in ink on every page. Any signature has to be verified and then date stamped.

When you mail it, mail it in a big envelope (even if its just a single EZ form). Big envelopes have to be torn and sorted differently than regular business size ones. An added bonus to the big envelope is that they take priority over other mail, so the workers can hurry up and deal with your mess.

Write a little letter of appreciation. Any letter received has to be read and stamped regardless of what it is or what it's on. Write your letter on something misshapen and unconventional. Like on the back of a supermarket sack.

If they owe you money, being nice helps.

Again, the disclaimer: I wouldn't suggest trying any of the above with the I.R.S...but if you do, let me know how it turns out !

April 12, 2008

Saturday -

This is a test.
This is ONLY a test.

April 11, 2008

Friday - The Weekend !

Well...here we go again. It's Friday.
Lookouts are at home for the weekend against the Birmingham Barons. The
Braves, after getting snowed out last night in Coloradio are not scheduled to return to Turner Field until next Friday.
And we have a surprise coming to Classic Hits WUUS...very soon. Very soon !

April 10, 2008

Salvation Army Celebrating !

Happy birthday to the Salvation Army, who is celebrating their 179th anniversary today. This worthwhile organization does a lot of great work here in the Tennessee Vally and all across the country. Check them out at:
Here are some other cool websites you might enjoy as well !

The Safety Pin was invented on this day in 1849 by American inventor Walter Hunt. Find out more about this device which makes our lives easier by visiting Wikipedia Safety Pin.

Today is National Siblings Day a day to celebrate some of the longest relationships in your life. Find out more by visiting the Siblings Day Foundation site.http://www.siblingsday.org/

Today is National Alcohol Screening Day find out where to get screened by visiting the Screening for Mental Health athttp://www.mentalhealthscreening.org/events/nasd/index.aspx

Today is National D.A.R.A. America Day, find out more at the official Drug Abuse Resistance Education web site.http://www.dare.com/home/default.asp

April 8, 2008


It's Tuesday, and tonight at 6:15pm the Chattanooga Lookouts will kick off a five game home stand against the Birmingham Barons. Also, it's another "Classic" tomorrow at AT&T Field:
the first mid-day getaway. These are the games usually held on Wednesday that begin at 12:15pm.
What great excuse to get out of the office a little early and enjoy some great baseball !

Make sure and check out your freezer at home. There's a recall that's been issued on Ice Cream.
It's "Private Selection Light Churned Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream". This product contains ingredients like eggs, soy, and wheat that are NOT listed on the label.
This could obviously cause serious allergic reactions, so check your stash out.

The recalled products come in 1.75 quart containers will a "Sell By" date of December 3, 2008.
This ice cream was sold in Kroger Stores, primarily in Georgia, Alabama, and Tenneesse.
I know everyone likes ice cream this time of year, but in cases like these it's better to be safe than sorry.

April 7, 2008

Monday, Monday, Monday

Here we are, back to work and back to schhol on this Monday, April 7.
Many of us are getting a healthy dose of spring fever.

Concert are in abundance around the mid-south. Steely Dan, Boz Scaggs, Stevie Nicks, James Taylor and many, many more.
And of course, the all time favorite answer to the question "Who Would You Like To See At Riverbend?" ... Jimmy Buffet.
Now, if we could get some tickets to the Buffet Concert in Atlanta , what would YOU do to win ?

Think about it...and send us the answer.

April 4, 2008


Welcome to another weekend - perhaps a soggy start to the weekend, but hey...in the words of J.J. Jackson "It's Allright" !
Hope you have a safe and happy weekend from all of us at Classic Hits WUUS !

April 3, 2008

Thursday, April 3

Well...here's a shocker ! We've set record high gas prices...again !
And there's no end to the rising prices.
Here are a few tips to help stretch your gas mileage.

Check Your Air Filter - A clean air filter can improve gas mileage by as much as 10 percent, and nearly one in four cars needs an air filter replacement.

Straighten Up - Poor alignment not only causes tires to wear out more quickly, but also forces your engine to work harder, which can reduce fuel economy by as much as 10 percent.

Tune Up - A properly tuned engine can improve mileage by 4 percent.

Pump 'em Up - More than one quarter of vehicles have improperly inflated tires. The average under-inflation of 7.5 pounds causes a loss of 2.8 percent in fuel efficiency.

Check Your Cap - It is estimated that nearly 17 percent of cars on the road have broken or missing gas caps, which not only reduces gas mileage but may harm the environment.

Slow Down - For every 5 mph you reduce highway speed, you can reduce fuel consumption by 7 percent.

Drive More Smoothly - The more smoothly you accelerate and decelerate, the better your gas mileage, with potential gas savings of 33 percent on the highway and 5 percent around town.
Lighten Up - For every 100 extra pounds carried around, your vehicle loses 1 to 2 percent in fuel efficiency.

Don't Be Idle. Besides causing pollution, idling wastes gas. If stopped for more than 30 seconds, turn off the engine, and don't bother to "warm up" your car before driving -- it is not necessary.

Drive safely, watch out for "the other guy", and above all, don't drink & drive.

April 1, 2008


Happy April Fool's Day !

It's April Fool's Day, and I have a few things to pass along to you...and these are no joke.

A favorite for your kids is coming back to town. "Thomas The Tank Engine" return to the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum the last weekend of April and the first weekend of May. That'll be April 25, 26, & 27 as well as May 2, 3, & 4.
Check out http://www.tvrail.com or http://www.thomasandfriends.com
for more information on that.

How'd you like to a star of the silver screen ?
The Disney Company is having a casting call in Nashville. Now, while they won't actually confirm anything, the story is they're looking for extras for - and I quote - " a major motion picture based on a hit television series starring a well known pop teen sensation "

Sounds like Hannah Montanna / Miley Cyrus to me !

If you're interested in joining the cast of the movie, take a non-returnable snapshot and a pen to The Sommet Center in Nashville on Sunday, April 6 between 11am & 2pm.
Their website is http://www.sommetcenter.com
Good luck !

Classic Hits WUUS is proud to present the Choo-Choo-Cha-Boogie Show !
The special sneak preview will be on Wednesday, April 16th at 7:30pm at the new JukeBox Junction Theater at the Chatanooga Choo Choo.
It's great fun for the whole family, and listen for your chance to win tickets from
Classic Hits WUUS !

March 27, 2008

Spring Is Here & So Is Thursday !

Today marks the first full week of spring...and what a week it's been. Snow showers a few days ago and mid 70's today. What a flip-flop.
Speaking of flip-flops - get ready for flip-flops, bermuda shorts, and margaritas galore !
Parrotheads everywhere are preparing for the one and only Jimmy Buffet to invade Atlanta !
Thursday, June 5th is the big date. The Hi-Fi Buys Lakewood Amphitheatre will never be the same !
And....if you listen carefully...you'll probably find out you'll have a chance to win tickets to see Jimmy Buffet from Classic Hits, WUUS !

Steely Dan will also be in Atlanta on June 11th...and Classic Hits WUUS will definitely have a chance for you to score tickets to that show.

How do you like our new feature ? Each weekday morning starting around 8:30, Classic Hits WUUS plays 97 minutes of Continuous Classic Hits...non-stop, back to back and commercial free.
We're proud to present the earliest start to the music day in town, and the city's longest music marathon. It's our way of saying thanks for listening to Classic Hits WUUS !

March 17, 2008

Monday - St. Patrick's Day !

Well....here we go again, into another week with a Monday to kick it off.
It IS St. Patrick's Day.
It IS a holiday where people drink. Too much. And too often, that causes problems.

So, I'll be brief. If you're Irish...even if you're not...have a great St. Patrick's Day.
Party. Drink. Hoot. Holler. Bark at the moon. Stay up till dawn. Have a large time.
But do NOT drink and drive.

The rest of us don't want to have to wait in traffic while they scrape your bloody carcass off the road.

March 12, 2008

What A Show !

Jackson Browne really impressed a lot of folks last night at the Tivoli Theatre !
Tha show...I don't think you could really call it a 'concert'...was simply the man and his music. One artist, sixteen guitars, one electronic keyboard, and a lot of great Classic Hits !

The audience interaction was unusually high as well. It's not often you'll see a performer of his caliber who will talk with the audience like he did and take requests. I was impressed when I first heard his music decades ago. I'm even more impressed now.

St. Patrick, the man who ran the snakes out of Ireland, had his annual holiday this Monday, March 17th. Do you have big plans for the day ?
Here are a few links to perhaps get you in the mood...and don't forget to wear green, or else you could get pinched !




As with all holidays, have a safe and happy one, but please don't drink and drive.

March 10, 2008

Back to Work ! Back to School ! Back - To - Back Classic Hits !

Good morning and happy Monday to one and all !

I hope each of you had a great weekend !
Classic Hits, WUUS had a tremendous time at the American Lung Association Gala this past Saturday with the "Here Comes The Mummies Band" at the National Guard Armory.
Lots of great food and I have to tell you, the "Here Comes The Mummies Band" was simply incredible. It's not often you see a band that packs the dance floor from start to finish, but these guys did !
If you weren't able to make this party, you definitely need to catch The Mummies when you can. It'll be worth the effort. And they're genuinely nice individuals as well.
What a great show, and our thanks to Shirley Cudabac (you too, George) for organizing such a great event.

Don't forget the Jackson Browne show Tuesday at the Tivoli. Ticket winners, make sure you pick your tickets up before 5pm Tuesday afternnon, or they'll be gone.

I'd like your feedback to our daily blog entries. Post them here, or send them to me at chip@wuusradio.com and I'll make sure they get up.

Have a great Monday !

March 7, 2008


NO, IT'S NOT !!!

It's NOT a 'weather event' where you need to head to the store and stock up on bread, milk, and toilet paper.

It's just a few snow showers, with some light accumulation in the higher elevations.

That's not to say, though, that there won't be some very slick spots on the roads early Saturday. Make sure and be careful if you have to be out driving then.

Jackson Browne ticket winners, make sure and come by the WUUS Studios on North Market Street and get your tickets if you haven't already. The concert is at the Tivoli Theatre this Tuesday. It'll be a great show, and Dale Mitchell will have more tickets to give away this afternoon.

March 5, 2008

Happy Hump Day !

Classic Hits WUUS hopes you're enjoying our new feature each weekday morning -
If you haven't heard yet, we're playing 97 minutes of non-stop Classic hits.
Back to back.
Commercial Free.
All for you.

Make sure and listen on the way in to work, and we'll keep you up to date with news, weather, traffic, plus the best selection of music in town. Then, once you're actually at work, grab a cup of coffee and click on http://www.wuusradio.com and hit the 'Listen Live' button.

Congratulate yourself.

Minimize the program, and then get set for the biggest variety of Classic Hits on the radio.
It'll make the workday go by a lot faster.

Okay, maybe not 'faster', but certainly 'better'.

Tell or email a friend about the 97 minute music marathon. It doesn't matter if they live around the block or in another state ( heck, even in another country...after all, this IS the Internet ), your friends will thank you for introducing them to such a cool musical concept.
97 minutes of continuous Classic hits each weekday morning. Your friends should then, in turn, tell one of their friends. Then they should tell someone else.

Think about it...we could take over the Classic Hits universe, one listener at a time.

Your friends will thank you. They'll remember you in their will.
If your luck is like mine, you'll get the car payment.

March 1, 2008

Saturday,March 1st

Several of you have e-mailed and called about last week's entry about Lloyd Ray Smith, the retired Area Four Special Olympics Director.

Lloyd Ray lost his battle with cancer and gained his angel wings early Saturday morning, March 1st. He leaves behind five children, a sister, and a devoted caregiver.

He also leaves behind countless memories and indelible impressions in the hearts of thousands of individuals whose lives he touched over the years. The extended family of Special Olympians, the volunteers, the fundraisers, and the all the rest will miss this man...this man whose heart and spirit was as big as the great outdoors.

The world of Special Olympics is a better place for him being a part of it. Farewell, Smithy...we will miss you.

February 29, 2008

Leap Year ! Friday, February 29, 2008

Okay, so it's Leap Year.

Big deal.
What puzzles me is this: If this is a Leap year, and they add one day to the end of February, why don't they call it "Leap Day" instead of "Leap Year" ?
Think about it...why label the entire year when it's only one day ?

Does this mean in the Chinese calendar that this is the year of the frog ?

Various items to peruse for your pleasure:

The 43rd Annual Home Show this weekend at the Trade Center.
Check out www.hbast.org if you'd like more details.

One song that really, really means "Classic Hits" is Don Mclean's 'American Pie'.
I found something that's really worth your time.
Check out http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=YcegpOKdE4%20

I watched this. Twice. It's really mesmerizing.

Thanks to those of you who called and said you saw me on the 50th anniversary of WTVC Newschannel 9. It was great fun taking part in their program. Kudos to Bob Nolan, who spearheaded the entire project. If you'd like a copy of the program, go to www.newschannel9.com

Bob Nolan is actually the husband of Newschannel 9's primary female anchor Kim Chapman. Many of you think Kim & I are married...but we're not. But Kim and I both get asked that frequently...however, that's a story for another blog !

Enjoy the weekend...and keep enjoying the Classic Hits on WUUS !!

February 28, 2008

Thursday Closings

More Closing for Thursday, February 28
Bledsoe County
Bowman Hills School
Dunlap Adventist School
Grundy County
Marion County
Monroe County Schools - ONE hour delay
Rhea County
Sequatchie County
Sweetwater City Schools - ONE hour delay
Richard Hardy Memorial School in Marion County will NOT reopen until Monday, March 2nd, due to illness.
As a side note:
Bundle up this morning..it's awfully cold outside, and the roller-coaster ride we've seen as far as these temperatures are concerned is contributing to wide-spread illness...like the flu !
Bundle Up. Wash your hands frequently. Do all those things your Mom told you to!

February 27, 2008

Closings for Wednesday, 2/27/08


Bledsoe County
Cherokee County, NC
Cumberland County
Fanin County, GA
Franklin County
Grundy County
Marion County
Polk County
Rhea County
Richard Hardy Memorial School Closed Until Monday, March 2
Sequatchie County
Van Buren County


February 26, 2008

Telling A Friend "Goodbye"

Have you ever had to tell a friend goodbye ?
I don't mean an "I'll see you later" or a "Take it easy"...I mean, a heartfelt, definite, tear-jerking, final "Goodbye".
I had to do that yesterday.
You see, I have a dear friend who's dying.

Many of you know Lloyd Ray Smith, the long-time director of the Area IV Special Olympics program here in Chattanooga. He is dying of cancer...and the end is painfully close.
What you may not know is that for many years, Mike Hennen and I were co-chairs of Area IV Special Olympics fundraising. Mike & I were on the board of directors for Special Olympics. Mike and I had a soft spot in our hearts for Special Olympians.
So, we spent a lot of time with Lloyd Ray.
Times both good and bad.
Time spent figuring out how in the heck we were gonna pay for this and how in the heck we were gonna pay for that. How we were going to get the kids from one point to another. How to elevate the local program to national standards.

And that glorious Saturday in late April, when hundreds of Special Olympians of all ages would gather on the field at McCallie School to light the Special Olympics torch and compete in the track & field games, with each athlete coming out a winner.
On that Saturday, volunteers from all walks of life would come out and shed a few tears and Lloyd Ray would proudly look out over the field at "his kids". Never mind that some of them were older than he, they were all "his kids".

Afterwards, several of us would drink a beer or two together and revel in the track and field games, and figure out how we could make the following year's event even more special for the competitors and volunteers alike.

Well, Lloyd Ray has had his last beer and attended his final track & field meet.
He is in his last few days of life on this earth, and let me assure you of this: For all the good he has done for generations of mentally retarded children and adults, and for the sheer size of his heart alone, there's got to be a very, very special place in heaven for this giant teddy-bear of a man.

When the Special Olympians gather in a couple of months, Lloyd Ray won't be down on the field with everyone. He'll have a much, much better vantage point. And as always, he'll be smiling down on "his kids".

And I, along with many, many others, will miss him deeply. Deeply.

I tell you all this because Lloyd Ray & I had sort of lost touch over the past couple of years since his retirement, and for that, I am regretful. Don't let your friends in life slip away; life is too short and friends are too few.

Pick up the phone and call your friends and tell them what they mean to you.
And do it today...tomorrow may be too late.

Chip Chapman

February 23, 2008

The Weekend !

The weekend is here - finally. I don't know about you, but it seemed like this weekend took forever in getting here !
Anyway, now that the weekend is here, it seems like a lot of folks are getting "Oscar Fever". The awards coming up Sunday night. Do YOU have a favorite, or do you think one movie in particular is heads and tails over another ?
Let me know, by posting a reply or sending me an email to chip@wuusradio.com
Have a great rest of the weekend !
Chip Chapman

February 19, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hello Everyone -
My name is Libby Phillips, and I'm the Director Of Sales for Classic Hits, WUUS !
Please join me and our entire sales and marketing team tomorrow at the 2008 Chattanooga Business Expo.
We'll be at the Chattanooga Convention Center in booth # 72.
We'll get started at 9 and wrap up around 5pm on Wednesday, February 20.

Why should you come see us ? It's a great opportunity to actually meet you in person and get information about how Classic Hits can affordably help your business, and you can sign up to win an advertising package valued at eight hundred dollars !

If you'd like to talk more about this before the event itself, please call me at 423.762-1490.

Me & my team are anxious to meet you and show you the value in Classic Hits WUUS !

Warmest regards,

Libby Phillips
Director Of Sales
Classic Hits WUUS

February 14, 2008

President's Day - Monday, February 18

Happy President's Day to one and all !
We hope you had a great weekend, and as we look at the week ahead, it looks like another dip in the temperatures !
So, this would be a great time to remind you of the "Mister Roger's Sweater Drive" that our friends at Gordon's Cleaners are spearheading. Sweaters, coats, gloves, and clothing items like that are being collected at Gordon's Cleaners through the end of the month.
The items will be cleaned and distributed through the Community Kitchen, The United Way, and the Samaritin Center.
Go through the closets and take the gently used clothing to Gordon's Cleaners at 315 North Market Street, and after you've done that, stop by and see us at Classic Hits, WUUS !
We're right next door, and we'd like to say hello to you and thank you in person.
Have a great week, from all of us at Classic Hits, WUUS !

February 13, 2008

Thursday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day !
Dale Mitchell will be along playing your Classic Hits & Valentine's Favorite's this afternoon from 2p-6p. Call Dale, talk sweet...and maybe, just maybe, Dale will play and song for you and your sweetie !
Have a safe & happy Valentine's Day from all of us at Classic Hits WUUS !

Valentine's Day

So, who really was the St. Valentine who gave us the day where we spend money on cards and gifts...not to mention more chocolate than any other day of the year !

Regardless of who he was, we're gonna give your Valentine's Day a little extra sizzle and spice on Thursday morning. Our buddy Ray Wright from Wright's Jewlers is giving us some neat prizes to give away on the air.

So, if you've waited until the last minute...or even if you haven't - make sure you're listening Thursday moring starting at 5:30 !

February 7, 2008

How You Can Help !

Want to help out the victims of Wednesday's Tornados ?
We hope so.
The Salvation Army can use your help. Stop by their McCallie Avenue office or go to their website at http://salvationarmyusa.org

The Red Cross can also use your assistance. Their office is also on McCallie Avenue, and you can reach them at http://chattanoogaredcross.org

Thanks in advance.

February 6, 2008

What A Rainy Day !

Rainy. Wet. And above all, dangerous.
Days like today people usually tend to get in a hurry and don't pay attention to the weather outside...but you should.
At least 8 confirmed tornados struck parts of the Volunteer State in the overnight & early morning hours.
At least 26 people are dead as a result, with dozens more injured and many homes damaged or destroyed.
So...when you hear the words "tornado" & "warning" together, give yourself and your family a little extra time right then...so you can have a lot of extra time later.
Be Safe !

Now, CNN is reporting the death toll is up to 48. Again, when severe weather strikes...take precautions that it doesn't strike you.

February 5, 2008

Tuesday, February 5 - ELECTION DAY !

Allright -
Today is election day ! Get out and exercise your right, and your responsobility, to vote.
It's something we sometimes take for granted, but it's serious business. GO VOTE !
You can even ask the boss for some extra time at lunch...I'm sure they'll cooperate.

It's been a busy few days, hasn't it ?
Sheriff Billy Long arrested. Then, even more charges...like drug trafficking !
Deputy Sam Parker arrested for the murder of his wife.
A break in the Natalee Holloway case.
And Mega-Tuesday.

Get out and vote. You can't do anything about any of these situations, but you can vote. And you should.

One thing that's worth pointing out: Sheriff Billy Long, if convicted, will probably never see the light of day again. But it' s a darn shame that he tarnished the badges and reputations of so many good men and women in that department. The Hamilton County Sheriff's Department is filled with good, solid workers whose lives center around protecting and serving us.
In any organization that big, you're going to encounter some bad apples. Too bad one of those bad apples was at the top of the food chain.

In these times, we should support and encourage the Sheriff's Department...not criticize them. They're going through enough. Let's not add to the burden they're carrying.

January 29, 2008

Tuesday, January 29

The excitement is building as we get closer to selecting a winner in the Classic Hits - Smile contest we're doing with Shabo Dental Center & Spa !
Listen for the Classic Hits - Smile montage and be the 9th caller, and you'll qualify for the ZOOM TWO teeth whitening procedure from Shabo !
Dale Mitchell and Marilyn (she's the voice you hear on their commercials) will do the drawing Thursday afternoon, January 31.
If you win, you'll really have something to smile about, from Shabo Dental Center & Spa, and Classic Hits WUUS !

We'd like for you to tell us what you want to hear on Classic Hits WUUS !
What do you want to hear more of ?
What do you want to hear less of ?
Do you want to hear about the latest Britney Spears meltdown, or do you care that the Kennedy Clan gave their support to Barack Obama ? Do you want to hear about the point spread for the upcoming Superbowl, or does it matter to you that the city's "Art Of Change" program may help reduce the number of panhandlers on the streets of the Scenic City ?

Let us know. This is your radio station, and your input is important. Your feedback is always welcome. You can post it here, or send it to me directly at Chip@wuusradio.com

January 23, 2008

Happy Hump Day !

Well, here it is, Wednesday, January 23.
What a strange start to the week...really. Strange and memorable. Let's take a look back:

MONDAY: The day to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Chattanooga did so with it's usual outstanding job. Kudos to everyone who braved the frigid temperatures on the walk in Dr. King's honor.

TUESDAY: Lots of school closings and many, many wrecks. Speaking of wrecks, I'm sure you heard about the fiasco on Wall Street. The Federal Reserve cut a key interest rate by 3/4 of a point, and the experts say that may have helped avoid a serious economic crisis.

WEDNESDAY: The world wakes up to find out actor Heath Ledger has died at the age of 28.
What a talented actor. I first saw him in the Halle Berry - Billy Bob Thornton flick "Monster's Ball", back in 2001. Dark, brooding parts seemed to be his specialty...his 'stock-in-trade', so to speak. But he had a great comic side as well. Remember "The Lords Of Dogtown" ?

It's too bad the world will never be able to see more of his comedic abilities.
It's ironic...very ironic...that Ledger's last movie role will actually combine his dark, brooding side WITH his comedic side. He had just wrapped filming on the upcoming Batman movie. He plays The Joker.

January 22, 2008

Tuesday, January 22

Welcome to the Blog on this Tuesday morning !

If you haven't heard, a few schools are closed today because of the wintry mix we're seeing.

Bledsoe County is closed.
Covenant College ona two hour delay.
Cumberland County Schools closed.
Franklin County Schools closed.
Grundy County Schools closed.
Marion County Schools closed.
Rhea County Schools closed.
Richard Hardy Memorial School closed.
Sequatchie County Schools closed.
Van Buren County Schools are also closed.
Covenant College will be running on a two hour delay.

If there are any more closings, we'll make sure and post them right here!

And no, to those of you who have called and emailed...there is still no reschedule date for the Barry Manilow concert. When one is announced, we'll pass it along on Classic Hits WUUS !

January 21, 2008

The Barry Manilow Show

The Barry Manilow Concert that was scheduled for Saturday, January 19, has been rescheduled.
NOT postponed...rescheduled.
But...we don't know what that date will be as f yet.
As soon as it's announced, we'll have it posted here, and we'll be announcing it live on the air on Classic Hits WUUS !
Now....why, exactly, did they postpone the show?
Apparently, with all of the flights cancelled at the Atlanta Airport, Barry couldn't make the trip.
Maybe it's just me...but I don't see a star of Manilow's caliber flying commercial !
What about you ?

January 14, 2008

What did YOU do this weekend ?

I hope all of you had a great weekend !
I got to see a great movie this weekend...if you haven't checked out "The Bucket List" yet, it's a must !
Jack Nicholson & Morgan Freeman both give dynamic performances in their respective characters. This is a movie the critics panned as "predictable", "formulaic", and "dull".
The critics ...whoever they are...left out "thought-provoking".

Well, I don't know about you, but when I go to a movie, I go to be entertained. I go to see craftsmen's work at it's best. I don't want to have to figure out the hidden philosophical meaning between frames the director may or may not be trying to impart. But let me say if you enjoy Nicholson & Freeman, you'll enjoy this flick immensely. Plus, it's filled with lots of great Classic hits !

And this movie is entertaining, as well as thought provoking.
You'll laugh. Hard.
You'll cry. Hard.
And most of all, you'll think... What would be on YOUR "Bucket List" ?

January 11, 2008

Are You A Barry Manilow Fan ?

Classic Hits, WUUS has a chance for you to win GREAT seats to see Barry Manilow at Phillips Arena Saturday, January 19, plus overnight accommodations at the Sandy Springs Hyatt place !
Whenever you hear Barry Manilow, be caller # 9 at 423.485-1060, and you'll automatically qualify.
Then, be listening Thursday morning, January 17, and we'll announce the winner !
Best of luck...from all of us at Chattanooga's Classic Hits, WUUS !

And as a bonus question....do you think Dale Mitchell looks like Barry Manilow ?

January 4, 2008

Welcome WUUS fans!

This is just our first test at the WUUS blog! More to come.