February 5, 2008

Tuesday, February 5 - ELECTION DAY !

Allright -
Today is election day ! Get out and exercise your right, and your responsobility, to vote.
It's something we sometimes take for granted, but it's serious business. GO VOTE !
You can even ask the boss for some extra time at lunch...I'm sure they'll cooperate.

It's been a busy few days, hasn't it ?
Sheriff Billy Long arrested. Then, even more charges...like drug trafficking !
Deputy Sam Parker arrested for the murder of his wife.
A break in the Natalee Holloway case.
And Mega-Tuesday.

Get out and vote. You can't do anything about any of these situations, but you can vote. And you should.

One thing that's worth pointing out: Sheriff Billy Long, if convicted, will probably never see the light of day again. But it' s a darn shame that he tarnished the badges and reputations of so many good men and women in that department. The Hamilton County Sheriff's Department is filled with good, solid workers whose lives center around protecting and serving us.
In any organization that big, you're going to encounter some bad apples. Too bad one of those bad apples was at the top of the food chain.

In these times, we should support and encourage the Sheriff's Department...not criticize them. They're going through enough. Let's not add to the burden they're carrying.

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