March 5, 2008

Happy Hump Day !

Classic Hits WUUS hopes you're enjoying our new feature each weekday morning -
If you haven't heard yet, we're playing 97 minutes of non-stop Classic hits.
Back to back.
Commercial Free.
All for you.

Make sure and listen on the way in to work, and we'll keep you up to date with news, weather, traffic, plus the best selection of music in town. Then, once you're actually at work, grab a cup of coffee and click on and hit the 'Listen Live' button.

Congratulate yourself.

Minimize the program, and then get set for the biggest variety of Classic Hits on the radio.
It'll make the workday go by a lot faster.

Okay, maybe not 'faster', but certainly 'better'.

Tell or email a friend about the 97 minute music marathon. It doesn't matter if they live around the block or in another state ( heck, even in another country...after all, this IS the Internet ), your friends will thank you for introducing them to such a cool musical concept.
97 minutes of continuous Classic hits each weekday morning. Your friends should then, in turn, tell one of their friends. Then they should tell someone else.

Think about it...we could take over the Classic Hits universe, one listener at a time.

Your friends will thank you. They'll remember you in their will.
If your luck is like mine, you'll get the car payment.

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