May 23, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008


I had the opportunity to chat on the air with a young lady named Kaylee Radzyminski.
I was very impressed.
Kaylee is a 17 year old Cleveland, Tennessee teenager who has come up with an incredible idea called tunes4thetroops.

This idea is so cool, Larry King sent a crew from CNN to hang out with her for a couple of days, and she was profiled on Larry King Live Thursday night.
This idea is so cool, we're gonna sort of adopt Kaylee to make sure she gets her project done.

Her website is

Her idea is to gather 500,000 ( that's a half a million ) CD's, DVD's, & books on CD for distribution to military folks all around the world. She already has collected 215,000 discs. Let's help her get the other 285,000 she needs to meet her goal.

That's an incredible undertaking for anyone...much less a 17 year old girl !

Help her out ! Gather up your new or used CD's, DVD's, and books on CD and send them to P.O. Box 2008, Cleveland, Tennessee 37320. She'll also accept any cash donations.

Again, her website is

Make it happen, Chattanooga...make it happen !


Chip Chapman

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