July 10, 2008

Thursday, July 10


One week from today, on Thursday, July 17, Classic Hits WUUS will actually do a custom Slender-Wrap on the air !
The only thing is...we have to find someone to actually wrap up !
Now, I've seen this done, and I gotta admit, it's pretty cool. And the inches & weight lost will amaze you as well.
If you'd like to be entered and win a FREE Slender Wrap for you or someone you know, go to
our website, http://www.wuusradio.com/ and hit the contest button. There, you'll be able to enter. You can also send an email to studio@wuusradio.com, and tell us WHY you want to be wrapped.
One lucky listener gets it next Thursday, July 17, on Classic Hits WUUS !

Also, we're giving away 'Fast Cash For Gas' with Goody's. Go to the Goody's site through http://www.wuusradio.com/ and you might win some much-needed cash, you might also win a trip to Niagara Falls. But - you can't win if you don't enter.

Listen for more details on Classic Hits WUUS !

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