April 8, 2008


It's Tuesday, and tonight at 6:15pm the Chattanooga Lookouts will kick off a five game home stand against the Birmingham Barons. Also, it's another "Classic" tomorrow at AT&T Field:
the first mid-day getaway. These are the games usually held on Wednesday that begin at 12:15pm.
What great excuse to get out of the office a little early and enjoy some great baseball !

Make sure and check out your freezer at home. There's a recall that's been issued on Ice Cream.
It's "Private Selection Light Churned Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream". This product contains ingredients like eggs, soy, and wheat that are NOT listed on the label.
This could obviously cause serious allergic reactions, so check your stash out.

The recalled products come in 1.75 quart containers will a "Sell By" date of December 3, 2008.
This ice cream was sold in Kroger Stores, primarily in Georgia, Alabama, and Tenneesse.
I know everyone likes ice cream this time of year, but in cases like these it's better to be safe than sorry.

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