January 23, 2008

Happy Hump Day !

Well, here it is, Wednesday, January 23.
What a strange start to the week...really. Strange and memorable. Let's take a look back:

MONDAY: The day to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Chattanooga did so with it's usual outstanding job. Kudos to everyone who braved the frigid temperatures on the walk in Dr. King's honor.

TUESDAY: Lots of school closings and many, many wrecks. Speaking of wrecks, I'm sure you heard about the fiasco on Wall Street. The Federal Reserve cut a key interest rate by 3/4 of a point, and the experts say that may have helped avoid a serious economic crisis.

WEDNESDAY: The world wakes up to find out actor Heath Ledger has died at the age of 28.
What a talented actor. I first saw him in the Halle Berry - Billy Bob Thornton flick "Monster's Ball", back in 2001. Dark, brooding parts seemed to be his specialty...his 'stock-in-trade', so to speak. But he had a great comic side as well. Remember "The Lords Of Dogtown" ?

It's too bad the world will never be able to see more of his comedic abilities.
It's ironic...very ironic...that Ledger's last movie role will actually combine his dark, brooding side WITH his comedic side. He had just wrapped filming on the upcoming Batman movie. He plays The Joker.

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