July 7, 2008

Monday, July 7th

It's Monday, July 8th. Back to work, and for those attending classes, it's back to school. The first full week after what was a great holiday weekend !

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello at the "Pops On The Water" concert and fireworks show at Coolidge Park. I'm always amazed at the number of folks who stop me with a
few kind words about Classic Hits WUUS, or to say they miss seeing me on television. It reaffirms my long-stated belief about what a great, friendly community we are fortunate enough to live in.

Coolidge Park itself...what a beautiful jewel on our city's crown ! And I think the fireworks this year were beyond compare. Congratulations to Don Sharp who coordinated the spectacular show. Great job Don...but how are you gonnna top it next year ?

I just spoke with Chris Thomas, the operator of The Chattanooga Market. Not only does he have a very cool thing at the Chattanooga Market, there's gonna be something else very cool....and very, verrrrrrry big.
Large !

It's called ChattaHippie. ChattaHippie is a three day festival of music and all the fun it entails.
Check it out for yourself at http://www.chattahippie.com

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