May 2, 2008

Friday, May 2

Welcome to yet another Friday and yet another weekend here in the Scenic City !
As we head into the weekend, remember the Armed Forces Day Parade downtown.
It's well worth taking a few minutes and going downtown to check it will make you feel a bit more patriotic, and a lot more grateful to be living in the greatest country in the world !

Some other things happening around the area this weeknd:

Thomas The Tank Engine is at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum.

To celebrate Conco De Mayo, the Chattanooga Market is holding their Hispanic Fair this Sunday. The doors open up at First Tennessee Pavillion at 12 Noon.

Downhome Days in Chickamauge is happeing this weekend. Check out their site at

The Tommy Jett Entertainers Reunion is Sunday at the new Town & Country Restaurant on East 23rd. Street.
The doors open to the general public at 3pm.

The Traditional Jess Festival here in Chattanooga is also happening this weekend. It will be going on all weekend long at the Choo Choo.

Have a safe and happy weekend from all of us at Classic Hits WUUS !

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