July 18, 2008

Friday July 18

Now, don't freak out.
Stay calm, cool, and collected...AND GET YOUR HAND AWAY FROM THAT RADIO BUTTON !

It's "Mancow's Morning Madhouse".
That's what you'll be hearing on Classic Hits WUUS from 6a - 10a from now on.
It's a funny, topical show with a zany cast of characters.
I know many of you were used to hearing music during that time period, but give Mancow a listen. It's a lot better than most morning shows you've been exposed to.
Doing Mancow's Morning Madhouse will allow me to get out and do more things with our great community, and I'm looking forward to it.
Like the old Alkz-Seltzer jingles used to say: "Try it ... you'll like it" !

July 16, 2008

Wednesday, July 16

Today's Blog Post will be short - at least initially.
"Farfegnugen" * rhymes with "Chattanoogan"
Coincidence ?
I Think Not.
* Incidentally, "Farfegnugen" is German for 'driving pleasure.'

July 14, 2008

Monday, July 14

Congratulations and kudos to Chattanooga's own Karah Nazor. She's the daughter of Karen Nazor Hill of the Chattanooga Times Free Press. Karah is working on her post - Ph.D work, and lives in San Fransisco. For exercise and relaxation, Karah swims.
A lot.
She's been swimming - competitively - since childhood. She's 31 years old now, and wrap your mind around this:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karah just completed a swim across the English Channel !
( Insert applause sounds effects here )
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Beginning in Dover, England, and winding up in Calais, France,Karah becomes the ONLY person from Tennessee to ever complete the swim.
It's 21 miles in length, in water temperatures below 60 degrees. Now, you've also got to take into consideration the tidal action of the English Channel, fatigue, and critters that swim in those same waters. Critters that like to nibble.
Karah not only survived, she thrived. She completed the swim in 12 hours and 28 minutes.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Another really cool aspect of her swim: She accepted pledges for the Wounded Warrior Project. Their spokesperson, Jeremy Feldbusch, was blinded while fighting in Iraq back in 2003. The final dollar amount Karah raised has yet to be determined, although it's substantial....but not as substantial as the training, determination, and pure grit Karah has put in to realize her life-long dream.
Karah and her family are now off to enjoy a few well-deserved days in Wales. Then, she'll return to the United States and figure out what "the next big thing" is. Whatever it is...I'm betting she'll do whatever it takes to make it happen.
Check out these sites for more about this amazing woman and her amazing journey:
Congratulations, Karah !

July 11, 2008

Another Weekend - And Not A Day Too Soon !

A really cool band tonight at Nightfall - it's "Bonerama".
Lots of brass, Lots of guitars, and LOTS of trombones. They've got 4...count 'em, FOUR !
I don't think my high school band had four trombones in the whole brass section !
Anyway, check out Nightfall tonight at Miller Park, the show starts at 7pm with Up With The Joneses warming up.
You'll like this show.
Guaranteed or your money back.

If gospel and bluegrass is more your style, check out the half moon festival.
That'll be happening in beautiful Ten Mile, Tennessee Sunday starting at 12 Noon.

Now...check this out: Blues and Barbecue in abundance will be available at First Tennessee Pavilion Saturday, and it's a fund raiser for the Chattanooga Area Food Bank.
I interviewed Scott Holt Thursday, and lemme tell ya, this guy knows how to work a guitar !
Get this: Buddy Guy taught him how to play guitar !
Don't miss this show at First Tennessee Pavilion !
Call the Food Bank if you'd like more info.

Chattanooga Market Sunday starting at noon. I'm hoping to finally do the lunch thing with Chris Thomas and tell you more about the market - PLUS the ChattaHippie Festival - sometime next week.

Have a great weekend, and don't forget to join me at Bay Tanning Salon Saturday, July 12, from

July 10, 2008

Thursday, July 10


One week from today, on Thursday, July 17, Classic Hits WUUS will actually do a custom Slender-Wrap on the air !
The only thing is...we have to find someone to actually wrap up !
Now, I've seen this done, and I gotta admit, it's pretty cool. And the inches & weight lost will amaze you as well.
If you'd like to be entered and win a FREE Slender Wrap for you or someone you know, go to
our website, http://www.wuusradio.com/ and hit the contest button. There, you'll be able to enter. You can also send an email to studio@wuusradio.com, and tell us WHY you want to be wrapped.
One lucky listener gets it next Thursday, July 17, on Classic Hits WUUS !

Also, we're giving away 'Fast Cash For Gas' with Goody's. Go to the Goody's site through http://www.wuusradio.com/ and you might win some much-needed cash, you might also win a trip to Niagara Falls. But - you can't win if you don't enter.

Listen for more details on Classic Hits WUUS !

July 9, 2008

Wednesday, July 9

Happy Hump Day !

Friends of the Festival, the group that runs Riverbend, has announced the lineup for the free concert series 'Riverfront Nights'.
The concerts are free and will return to the Riverfront area at Ross's Landing on Friday nights beginning August 2nd. Each show will have a local opening act as well, so between Nightfall and Riverfront nights, there's no reason not to have a great time each and every Friday !
Check out their site, http://www.riverfrontnights.com

Also - and I'm getting more and more excited about this - look for the first annual Chattanooga Hippie Festival ! Appropriately enough, it's called ChattaHippie, and the group that now runs the Chattanooga Market is staging this three day festival. Check out http://www.chattahippie.com
for more details.
Get your tickets for this while the getting is good !

I've been listening a lot to Tom Kent as of late...what a great show this guy has!
And if you're NOT listening to Tom Kent...shame on ya !
T.K. is here on Classic Hits WUUS every night...including weekends...beginning at 7:00pm.
Tune in and enjoy the ride.

July 7, 2008

Monday, July 7th

It's Monday, July 8th. Back to work, and for those attending classes, it's back to school. The first full week after what was a great holiday weekend !

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello at the "Pops On The Water" concert and fireworks show at Coolidge Park. I'm always amazed at the number of folks who stop me with a
few kind words about Classic Hits WUUS, or to say they miss seeing me on television. It reaffirms my long-stated belief about what a great, friendly community we are fortunate enough to live in.

Coolidge Park itself...what a beautiful jewel on our city's crown ! And I think the fireworks this year were beyond compare. Congratulations to Don Sharp who coordinated the spectacular show. Great job Don...but how are you gonnna top it next year ?

I just spoke with Chris Thomas, the operator of The Chattanooga Market. Not only does he have a very cool thing at the Chattanooga Market, there's gonna be something else very cool....and very, verrrrrrry big.
Large !

It's called ChattaHippie. ChattaHippie is a three day festival of music and all the fun it entails.
Check it out for yourself at http://www.chattahippie.com

July 1, 2008

Tuesday, July 1st

Lots of things hapening this week - it's a short week work - wise for many, a busy travel week, and we've got this little thing called "Independence Day" happening this Friday.

If you're looking for fireworks, look at the list below. It'll give you the heads up on what's happening, where and when !

Thursday, July 3rd:

Don't miss the Chattanooga Symphony Pops On The River Concert, with
fireworks to follow. It's at Coolidge Park, and admission is free.

The Chattanooga Lookouts are at home all week, and they'll play the West
Tennessee DiamondJaxx Thursday night. Fireworks will follow the game.

The East Tennessee Symphony & Orchestra concert begins at 8pm. It'll be
held at Veteran's Park, and the fireworks will be at the ballfields on Little
Debbie Parkway.

Fort Oglethorpe:
It's 'Patriotism At The Post' starting at 8pm. Lots of family activities, a concert,
and the fireworks to follow on Barnhardt Circle.

Fort Payne:
The Independence Day Celebration will be held at Fort Payne High School.
The gates will open up around 5:30, and they'll serve hambugers & hot dogs, live
entertainment. and fireworks at dusk - thirty.

Friday, July 4th:
Fireworks starting at 10:00pm at the Athens Regional Park.
Fireworks at Heritage Point Park starting about 9:30pm.
The parade starts at 10:00am, the concert at 6:30pm, and the fireworks begin at 9:00pm.
There's a square dance at Cherry Street & Highway 127 intersection, a concert at Forrest Cate Ford at 6:30pm, and fireworks at the center of town starting about 9pm.
Henegar, AL.
The Sand Mtn. Potato festival going on all day long. Fireworks to follow.
Fireworks at City Hall about 9:00pm.
Lafayette, GA.
The Freedom Festival begins at 5pm and goes until 11:00pm.
Lake Winnepesaukah:
The annual fireworks show begins at the park at 10:00pm.
Signal Mtn:
The Lions Club annual barbeque, family entertainment, arts and crafts, and fireworks at dark.
This is always a big event, and takes place behind the Signal Mountain Golf & Country Club.
Plus, it benefits the great programs the Lions Club is involved with on a year round basis.
Soddy Daisy:
The 4th of July festival & Celebration takes place at Soddy Lake starting at 9am, and goes all day, concluding with fireworks at dark.
South Pittsburg:
4th of July Celebration at the River Park in South Pittsburg, starting at 11am and ending with fireworks at dark.
THINK SAFETY if you're doing fireworks on your own. Have a hose and fire extinguisher handy, and let someone ignite the fireworks who knows what they are doing and hasn't been drinking.
Also, on this Tuesday, July 1st, it was four years ago I got married. If you had been at the beach on Diamond Head in Hawaii, you'd have seen the happiest man in the world. Happy Anniversary to the Lovely Lynn Chapman, my shining star and soul mate.
Not to mention my LOML.
I'm a lucky man, and I give thanks for her everyday.