February 29, 2008

Leap Year ! Friday, February 29, 2008

Okay, so it's Leap Year.

Big deal.
What puzzles me is this: If this is a Leap year, and they add one day to the end of February, why don't they call it "Leap Day" instead of "Leap Year" ?
Think about it...why label the entire year when it's only one day ?

Does this mean in the Chinese calendar that this is the year of the frog ?

Various items to peruse for your pleasure:

The 43rd Annual Home Show this weekend at the Trade Center.
Check out www.hbast.org if you'd like more details.

One song that really, really means "Classic Hits" is Don Mclean's 'American Pie'.
I found something that's really worth your time.
Check out http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=YcegpOKdE4%20

I watched this. Twice. It's really mesmerizing.

Thanks to those of you who called and said you saw me on the 50th anniversary of WTVC Newschannel 9. It was great fun taking part in their program. Kudos to Bob Nolan, who spearheaded the entire project. If you'd like a copy of the program, go to www.newschannel9.com

Bob Nolan is actually the husband of Newschannel 9's primary female anchor Kim Chapman. Many of you think Kim & I are married...but we're not. But Kim and I both get asked that frequently...however, that's a story for another blog !

Enjoy the weekend...and keep enjoying the Classic Hits on WUUS !!

February 28, 2008

Thursday Closings

More Closing for Thursday, February 28
Bledsoe County
Bowman Hills School
Dunlap Adventist School
Grundy County
Marion County
Monroe County Schools - ONE hour delay
Rhea County
Sequatchie County
Sweetwater City Schools - ONE hour delay
Richard Hardy Memorial School in Marion County will NOT reopen until Monday, March 2nd, due to illness.
As a side note:
Bundle up this morning..it's awfully cold outside, and the roller-coaster ride we've seen as far as these temperatures are concerned is contributing to wide-spread illness...like the flu !
Bundle Up. Wash your hands frequently. Do all those things your Mom told you to!

February 27, 2008

Closings for Wednesday, 2/27/08


Bledsoe County
Cherokee County, NC
Cumberland County
Fanin County, GA
Franklin County
Grundy County
Marion County
Polk County
Rhea County
Richard Hardy Memorial School Closed Until Monday, March 2
Sequatchie County
Van Buren County


February 26, 2008

Telling A Friend "Goodbye"

Have you ever had to tell a friend goodbye ?
I don't mean an "I'll see you later" or a "Take it easy"...I mean, a heartfelt, definite, tear-jerking, final "Goodbye".
I had to do that yesterday.
You see, I have a dear friend who's dying.

Many of you know Lloyd Ray Smith, the long-time director of the Area IV Special Olympics program here in Chattanooga. He is dying of cancer...and the end is painfully close.
What you may not know is that for many years, Mike Hennen and I were co-chairs of Area IV Special Olympics fundraising. Mike & I were on the board of directors for Special Olympics. Mike and I had a soft spot in our hearts for Special Olympians.
So, we spent a lot of time with Lloyd Ray.
Times both good and bad.
Time spent figuring out how in the heck we were gonna pay for this and how in the heck we were gonna pay for that. How we were going to get the kids from one point to another. How to elevate the local program to national standards.

And that glorious Saturday in late April, when hundreds of Special Olympians of all ages would gather on the field at McCallie School to light the Special Olympics torch and compete in the track & field games, with each athlete coming out a winner.
On that Saturday, volunteers from all walks of life would come out and shed a few tears and Lloyd Ray would proudly look out over the field at "his kids". Never mind that some of them were older than he, they were all "his kids".

Afterwards, several of us would drink a beer or two together and revel in the track and field games, and figure out how we could make the following year's event even more special for the competitors and volunteers alike.

Well, Lloyd Ray has had his last beer and attended his final track & field meet.
He is in his last few days of life on this earth, and let me assure you of this: For all the good he has done for generations of mentally retarded children and adults, and for the sheer size of his heart alone, there's got to be a very, very special place in heaven for this giant teddy-bear of a man.

When the Special Olympians gather in a couple of months, Lloyd Ray won't be down on the field with everyone. He'll have a much, much better vantage point. And as always, he'll be smiling down on "his kids".

And I, along with many, many others, will miss him deeply. Deeply.

I tell you all this because Lloyd Ray & I had sort of lost touch over the past couple of years since his retirement, and for that, I am regretful. Don't let your friends in life slip away; life is too short and friends are too few.

Pick up the phone and call your friends and tell them what they mean to you.
And do it today...tomorrow may be too late.

Chip Chapman

February 23, 2008

The Weekend !

The weekend is here - finally. I don't know about you, but it seemed like this weekend took forever in getting here !
Anyway, now that the weekend is here, it seems like a lot of folks are getting "Oscar Fever". The awards coming up Sunday night. Do YOU have a favorite, or do you think one movie in particular is heads and tails over another ?
Let me know, by posting a reply or sending me an email to chip@wuusradio.com
Have a great rest of the weekend !
Chip Chapman

February 19, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hello Everyone -
My name is Libby Phillips, and I'm the Director Of Sales for Classic Hits, WUUS !
Please join me and our entire sales and marketing team tomorrow at the 2008 Chattanooga Business Expo.
We'll be at the Chattanooga Convention Center in booth # 72.
We'll get started at 9 and wrap up around 5pm on Wednesday, February 20.

Why should you come see us ? It's a great opportunity to actually meet you in person and get information about how Classic Hits can affordably help your business, and you can sign up to win an advertising package valued at eight hundred dollars !

If you'd like to talk more about this before the event itself, please call me at 423.762-1490.

Me & my team are anxious to meet you and show you the value in Classic Hits WUUS !

Warmest regards,

Libby Phillips
Director Of Sales
Classic Hits WUUS

February 14, 2008

President's Day - Monday, February 18

Happy President's Day to one and all !
We hope you had a great weekend, and as we look at the week ahead, it looks like another dip in the temperatures !
So, this would be a great time to remind you of the "Mister Roger's Sweater Drive" that our friends at Gordon's Cleaners are spearheading. Sweaters, coats, gloves, and clothing items like that are being collected at Gordon's Cleaners through the end of the month.
The items will be cleaned and distributed through the Community Kitchen, The United Way, and the Samaritin Center.
Go through the closets and take the gently used clothing to Gordon's Cleaners at 315 North Market Street, and after you've done that, stop by and see us at Classic Hits, WUUS !
We're right next door, and we'd like to say hello to you and thank you in person.
Have a great week, from all of us at Classic Hits, WUUS !

February 13, 2008

Thursday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day !
Dale Mitchell will be along playing your Classic Hits & Valentine's Favorite's this afternoon from 2p-6p. Call Dale, talk sweet...and maybe, just maybe, Dale will play and song for you and your sweetie !
Have a safe & happy Valentine's Day from all of us at Classic Hits WUUS !

Valentine's Day

So, who really was the St. Valentine who gave us the day where we spend money on cards and gifts...not to mention more chocolate than any other day of the year !

Regardless of who he was, we're gonna give your Valentine's Day a little extra sizzle and spice on Thursday morning. Our buddy Ray Wright from Wright's Jewlers is giving us some neat prizes to give away on the air.

So, if you've waited until the last minute...or even if you haven't - make sure you're listening Thursday moring starting at 5:30 !

February 7, 2008

How You Can Help !

Want to help out the victims of Wednesday's Tornados ?
We hope so.
The Salvation Army can use your help. Stop by their McCallie Avenue office or go to their website at http://salvationarmyusa.org

The Red Cross can also use your assistance. Their office is also on McCallie Avenue, and you can reach them at http://chattanoogaredcross.org

Thanks in advance.

February 6, 2008

What A Rainy Day !

Rainy. Wet. And above all, dangerous.
Days like today people usually tend to get in a hurry and don't pay attention to the weather outside...but you should.
At least 8 confirmed tornados struck parts of the Volunteer State in the overnight & early morning hours.
At least 26 people are dead as a result, with dozens more injured and many homes damaged or destroyed.
So...when you hear the words "tornado" & "warning" together, give yourself and your family a little extra time right then...so you can have a lot of extra time later.
Be Safe !

Now, CNN is reporting the death toll is up to 48. Again, when severe weather strikes...take precautions that it doesn't strike you.

February 5, 2008

Tuesday, February 5 - ELECTION DAY !

Allright -
Today is election day ! Get out and exercise your right, and your responsobility, to vote.
It's something we sometimes take for granted, but it's serious business. GO VOTE !
You can even ask the boss for some extra time at lunch...I'm sure they'll cooperate.

It's been a busy few days, hasn't it ?
Sheriff Billy Long arrested. Then, even more charges...like drug trafficking !
Deputy Sam Parker arrested for the murder of his wife.
A break in the Natalee Holloway case.
And Mega-Tuesday.

Get out and vote. You can't do anything about any of these situations, but you can vote. And you should.

One thing that's worth pointing out: Sheriff Billy Long, if convicted, will probably never see the light of day again. But it' s a darn shame that he tarnished the badges and reputations of so many good men and women in that department. The Hamilton County Sheriff's Department is filled with good, solid workers whose lives center around protecting and serving us.
In any organization that big, you're going to encounter some bad apples. Too bad one of those bad apples was at the top of the food chain.

In these times, we should support and encourage the Sheriff's Department...not criticize them. They're going through enough. Let's not add to the burden they're carrying.