I told you I'd have another entry on this morning's blog. Something you can actually use to save time and money when it comes to shopping for fuel, regardless if its gasoline or diesel.
Here are two really informative websites: They're somewhat related, so I'll give you a link to both. Try them out and bookmark which one serves your needs best. Personally, the FIRST one helps me out more, but hey ~ to each his own ! Let me know what you think.
- OR -
With the way the fuel economy is now, saving a few pennies here and there will eventually add up to real dollars. Drive cautiously and if you're the parent of a teenager or young adult, please pass this message along:
STAY OFF THE PHONE WHILE DRIVING ! Also, if they MUST use the phone while driving, DO NOT TEXT ANYONE FOR ANY REASON !
This past weekend, I saw a teenage driving Mommy or Daddy's car. Take my word on this, it was way too nice a car for a teen to be driving it. It HAD to be Mommy or Daddy's.
And the kid ( male ) was texting while driving. Obviously, the texting was more important than the driving, because the kid was veering all over the road.
That kid should consider himself lucky that I wasn't a cop. He'd have had a ticket faster than he could text the message 'OMG I'm busted' to his best friend on speed-dial.
And if you've seen 'em text...you know how quick that is !
June 30, 2008
Monday, June 30
And today is the earliest blog entry time-wise ever recorded by a member of the WUUS staff.
More later.
No, I'm as serious as a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. It's the earliest post EVER !
And also the only one that's been centered in the page.
Hey - you gotta take your victories where you can get 'em !
June 27, 2008
Friday, June 27, Two-Double-Oh-Eight
Hello gang - and I hope you're ready for the weekend ahead, the final weekend of June and the first official full weekend of summer !
As usual, there are happenings aplenty in and around the Scenic City this weekend.
First off, Chris Thomas and The Chattanooga Market will be back in full swing this Sunday starting at high noon o'clock. ( That's 12:00pm for those of you who can't decipher my sometimes strange way of writing ). I can't tell you how impressed I was on my visit to The Chattanooga Market last weekend.
Truly, an assortment of vendors and products that The Chattanooga Market has not ever seen before. Artists, Craftsmen, Farmers, Musicians, and shoppers owe Chris and his staff a big round of thanks. Check out their site at http://www.chattanoogamarket.com/
If you're going to Pops in The Park on Thursday at Coolidge Park, here's something that's pretty cool and they're doing it for the first time ever: Free Valet Parking...for your bicycles !
The event starts at 6:00pm, and you can park your bike at the lot on the east side of the Walnut Street Bridge...valet style !
Call Phillip at 643-6887 for more info.
Something pretty cool is going on at the Creative Discovery Museum this weekend...Clifford The Big Red Dog will make an appearance Saturday. Clifford will also serve as the ' head dog ' - The Grand Marshall - at the Dog Days Of Summer Parade. Chattanoogans and their dogs will turn out in force for the event. You can check out http://www.cdmfun.org/
if you'd like more info. *** These three little asterisk thingys mean look below for a special message from my dog, Bruiser.
Nightfall starts at 7pm at Miller Plaza. Opening act this week is Ogya, and the headliner is Groundation. These guys are on a coast to coast tour, and their mid-south stop is in Chattanooga tonight. Don't miss it.
The rest of the Nightfall lineup for the season is at http://www.downtownchattanooga.org/
Like beach music ? Check out this site: http://www.mainstreetcleveland.com/
The folks in Cleveland get to enjoy a primo beach music band and classic car cruise-in.
The Tsunami Wave Riders will provide the music.
The party starts Saturday at 3pm at the Bradley County Courthouse.
Have a safe and happy weekend from all of us at Classic Hits WUUS !
*** Bow-wow. Woof. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrowl. {{{{{ wagggggggg }}}}}. SNIFF !!!
Howl !
As usual, there are happenings aplenty in and around the Scenic City this weekend.
First off, Chris Thomas and The Chattanooga Market will be back in full swing this Sunday starting at high noon o'clock. ( That's 12:00pm for those of you who can't decipher my sometimes strange way of writing ). I can't tell you how impressed I was on my visit to The Chattanooga Market last weekend.
Truly, an assortment of vendors and products that The Chattanooga Market has not ever seen before. Artists, Craftsmen, Farmers, Musicians, and shoppers owe Chris and his staff a big round of thanks. Check out their site at http://www.chattanoogamarket.com/
If you're going to Pops in The Park on Thursday at Coolidge Park, here's something that's pretty cool and they're doing it for the first time ever: Free Valet Parking...for your bicycles !
The event starts at 6:00pm, and you can park your bike at the lot on the east side of the Walnut Street Bridge...valet style !
Call Phillip at 643-6887 for more info.
Something pretty cool is going on at the Creative Discovery Museum this weekend...Clifford The Big Red Dog will make an appearance Saturday. Clifford will also serve as the ' head dog ' - The Grand Marshall - at the Dog Days Of Summer Parade. Chattanoogans and their dogs will turn out in force for the event. You can check out http://www.cdmfun.org/
if you'd like more info. *** These three little asterisk thingys mean look below for a special message from my dog, Bruiser.
Nightfall starts at 7pm at Miller Plaza. Opening act this week is Ogya, and the headliner is Groundation. These guys are on a coast to coast tour, and their mid-south stop is in Chattanooga tonight. Don't miss it.
The rest of the Nightfall lineup for the season is at http://www.downtownchattanooga.org/
Like beach music ? Check out this site: http://www.mainstreetcleveland.com/
The folks in Cleveland get to enjoy a primo beach music band and classic car cruise-in.
The Tsunami Wave Riders will provide the music.
The party starts Saturday at 3pm at the Bradley County Courthouse.
Have a safe and happy weekend from all of us at Classic Hits WUUS !
*** Bow-wow. Woof. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrowl. {{{{{ wagggggggg }}}}}. SNIFF !!!
Howl !
June 23, 2008
Monday, June 23
Happy Monday - in spite of the news of the death of comedian George Carlin.
Carlin certainly had a long and storied career. I saw an old video of him recently doing a bit on the Ed Sullivan Show. Clean shaven, bug eyed, and hilariously funny.
While his language was perhaps a bit "saltier" than necessary to make his point, Carlin would always leave you thinking about something.
He had a history of heart problems, and this heart attack is the one that did him in. One of my favorite bits was Carlin talking about Richard Pryor.
Carlin: " So Pryor and me are getting competitive, you know....he had a heart attack, and then I had a heart attack, and then he had another heart attack, and then I had another heart attack, and then he set himself on fire...that's when I said ( insert deletive here ) it !
Carlin...a funny man who left us all too soon.
He was 71.
On another note: I went to the Chattanooga Market this past Sunday...wow ! What a great job Chris Thomas and company have done with that. Congratulations to their staff for a job well done. Lots of different vendors, lots of people browsing, shopping, and enjoying the music. The Chattanooga Market is open each Sunday from 12 Noon until 5:00pm.
Carlin certainly had a long and storied career. I saw an old video of him recently doing a bit on the Ed Sullivan Show. Clean shaven, bug eyed, and hilariously funny.
While his language was perhaps a bit "saltier" than necessary to make his point, Carlin would always leave you thinking about something.
He had a history of heart problems, and this heart attack is the one that did him in. One of my favorite bits was Carlin talking about Richard Pryor.
Carlin: " So Pryor and me are getting competitive, you know....he had a heart attack, and then I had a heart attack, and then he had another heart attack, and then I had another heart attack, and then he set himself on fire...that's when I said ( insert deletive here ) it !
Carlin...a funny man who left us all too soon.
He was 71.
On another note: I went to the Chattanooga Market this past Sunday...wow ! What a great job Chris Thomas and company have done with that. Congratulations to their staff for a job well done. Lots of different vendors, lots of people browsing, shopping, and enjoying the music. The Chattanooga Market is open each Sunday from 12 Noon until 5:00pm.
June 20, 2008
Friday, June 20
Friday. Fry-day. Woo-Hoo...and welcome to the weekend !
Lotsa things happening in and around the Scenic City this weekend.
Among them, the grand re-opening of the Chattanooga Zoo at Warmer Park. Us old timers remember it as the Warner Park Zoo, but Darde and her staff have really gone through the Zoo, exhibit-by-exhibit, and done a major facelift to the entire place...especially at the main entrance.
Check it out for yourself !
Saturday, it's the birthday party for Hank. (Hank's turning 40). Also, live entertainment, food, and more. Hank's cake gets cut at 12 noon. Call 697-1322 for more info.
Saturday is also National Go Skate Day. More than 500 folks will gather starting at 10:30am at
Riverfront Parkway for a massive skate, whether it be on rollerblades, skateboards, or conventional roller skates.
http://goskateboardingday.org will get you more information.
Nightfall retunrs to Miller Plaza tonight after it's annual Riverbend Break.
Backdoor Slam and Dylan Kussman will take the stage, and as always, admission is free.
You can see the rest of the Nightfall lineup at http://www.downtownchattanooga.org
Stay safe this weekend, and stay tuned to the Classic Hits on WUUS !
Lotsa things happening in and around the Scenic City this weekend.
Among them, the grand re-opening of the Chattanooga Zoo at Warmer Park. Us old timers remember it as the Warner Park Zoo, but Darde and her staff have really gone through the Zoo, exhibit-by-exhibit, and done a major facelift to the entire place...especially at the main entrance.
Check it out for yourself !
Saturday, it's the birthday party for Hank. (Hank's turning 40). Also, live entertainment, food, and more. Hank's cake gets cut at 12 noon. Call 697-1322 for more info.
Saturday is also National Go Skate Day. More than 500 folks will gather starting at 10:30am at
Riverfront Parkway for a massive skate, whether it be on rollerblades, skateboards, or conventional roller skates.
http://goskateboardingday.org will get you more information.
Nightfall retunrs to Miller Plaza tonight after it's annual Riverbend Break.
Backdoor Slam and Dylan Kussman will take the stage, and as always, admission is free.
You can see the rest of the Nightfall lineup at http://www.downtownchattanooga.org
Stay safe this weekend, and stay tuned to the Classic Hits on WUUS !
June 16, 2008
Monday, June 16
The post-Riverbend / Bonnaroo / Father's Day / Monday is here.
The Monday AFTER everything is over with.
Do you feel sorta let down & anti-climatic ?
When I become King, I'll do us all a favor and make this a national holiday.
A day AFTER a weekend like this for everyone to simply - to use a word I recently heard - "chillax"
"Chillax" is a combination of "chill out" and "relax".
Who makes these words up?
I wanna see them in my office at 10:00am.
The Monday AFTER everything is over with.
Do you feel sorta let down & anti-climatic ?
When I become King, I'll do us all a favor and make this a national holiday.
A day AFTER a weekend like this for everyone to simply - to use a word I recently heard - "chillax"
"Chillax" is a combination of "chill out" and "relax".
Who makes these words up?
I wanna see them in my office at 10:00am.
June 13, 2008
Friday, June 13
Well....here it is. the day many have been dreading - Friday, the 13th.
Are you superstitious ?
I'm not...but, on ANY Friday the 13th, it never hurts to use a little extra caution.
Triskadeckiaphobia - the fear of the 13th number - is said by some to
originate back in biblical times.
Triskaidekaphobia is a fear of the number 13. It is usually considered to be a superstition. A specific fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia.
The superstition has been linked to the fact there were 13 people at the last supper of Jesus. It has also been linked to that fact that a lunisolar calendar must have 13 months in some years, while the solar Gregorian calendar and lunar Islamic calendar always have 12 months in a year.
Remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you !
That's it for this morning's entry...some guy just busted in here and said he's here to repossess the computer & keyboard ! HOW ABSURD !!
Isn't that the stupidest thing you ever ______________________________________
Are you superstitious ?
I'm not...but, on ANY Friday the 13th, it never hurts to use a little extra caution.
Triskadeckiaphobia - the fear of the 13th number - is said by some to
originate back in biblical times.
Triskaidekaphobia is a fear of the number 13. It is usually considered to be a superstition. A specific fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia.
The superstition has been linked to the fact there were 13 people at the last supper of Jesus. It has also been linked to that fact that a lunisolar calendar must have 13 months in some years, while the solar Gregorian calendar and lunar Islamic calendar always have 12 months in a year.
Remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you !
That's it for this morning's entry...some guy just busted in here and said he's here to repossess the computer & keyboard ! HOW ABSURD !!
Isn't that the stupidest thing you ever ______________________________________
June 11, 2008
Wednesday, June 11
Ahhh - Hump Day. Halfway though the work week & halfway through Riverbend. Hope you've enjoyed the festival so far.
Still ahead, it's Josh Turner, riding "The Long Black Train" into Chattanooga tonight on the Coke Stage.
Tomorrow, it's ZZ Top, Friday it's Rodney Atkins, and the festival closes Saturday with the Bachman-Cummings Band.
It's a toss-up on who'll draw the bigger crowd, ZZ Top or the final night with Bachman-Cummings & Fireworks. Smart oney...or at least my money...goes with ZZ Top.
Dress comfortably, stay hydrated with lots of water, and stay safe at the festival.
Still ahead, it's Josh Turner, riding "The Long Black Train" into Chattanooga tonight on the Coke Stage.
Tomorrow, it's ZZ Top, Friday it's Rodney Atkins, and the festival closes Saturday with the Bachman-Cummings Band.
It's a toss-up on who'll draw the bigger crowd, ZZ Top or the final night with Bachman-Cummings & Fireworks. Smart oney...or at least my money...goes with ZZ Top.
Dress comfortably, stay hydrated with lots of water, and stay safe at the festival.
June 9, 2008
Monday, June 9
"Monday, Monday" - The Mamas & The Pappas
" I'll Be Home On A Monday" - The Little River Band
" I Don't Like Mondays" - The Boomtown Rats
Just a few little tunes to spark the imagination for some people's least favorite day of the week.
Well, its Riverbend Monday...the biggest party of the year moves down to M.L. King Boulevard, and Riverbenders by the thousands will be descending on the Boulevard for the Bessie Smith Strut.
Trombone Shorty from New Orleans will take the stage at 7:00pm tonight at the Bessie Smith Hall. Shorty has performed with Lenny Kravitz, Green Day, and U-2 among others. Quite a show, from what I hear. Many other entertainers will be up and down "The Boulevard" for what many say is the best night of the festival. I don't know if it's the best night, but it certainly is one of the most fun. And remember, you don't need a pin to get in The Strut...but you DO need to wear comfortable shoes and drink plenty of water. As hot & humid as it's been so far, don't be one of the heat - related casualties that invariably pop up at The Strut.
Did Paul say it would be like this ?
" I'll Be Home On A Monday" - The Little River Band
" I Don't Like Mondays" - The Boomtown Rats
Just a few little tunes to spark the imagination for some people's least favorite day of the week.
Well, its Riverbend Monday...the biggest party of the year moves down to M.L. King Boulevard, and Riverbenders by the thousands will be descending on the Boulevard for the Bessie Smith Strut.
Trombone Shorty from New Orleans will take the stage at 7:00pm tonight at the Bessie Smith Hall. Shorty has performed with Lenny Kravitz, Green Day, and U-2 among others. Quite a show, from what I hear. Many other entertainers will be up and down "The Boulevard" for what many say is the best night of the festival. I don't know if it's the best night, but it certainly is one of the most fun. And remember, you don't need a pin to get in The Strut...but you DO need to wear comfortable shoes and drink plenty of water. As hot & humid as it's been so far, don't be one of the heat - related casualties that invariably pop up at The Strut.
Did Paul say it would be like this ?
June 4, 2008
Wednesday, June 4
Today is Wednesday, June 4, 208. At the time this is being written, we are only about 91 hours away from the kickoff of Riverbend 2008 !
Lots of great classic hits artists will be performing, like Randy Bachman & Burton Cummings, from Grand Funk Railroad and The Guess Who, respectively. Together. One Band with two separate musical histories to draw from. THAT should be an incredible show.
Also, America will be performing with our own Chattanooga Symphony. Bob Bernhardt, the CSO conductor, always gets a kick out of playing with contemporary artists like America. In recent years, the CSO has done shows with The Moody Blues, Michael McDonald, and many others. It's always a treat, both for the audience as well as the performers.
Speaking of Riverbend and this time of year when it gets soooooooo very hot, remember these hot weather precautions:
Dress comfortably in light colored clothing. Take frequent breaks if you're doing a lot of physical activity outdoors. And above all, stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and sports drinks designed to replenish your bodily fluids.
For Riverbenders, this does NOT mean "have another beer". It means "drink water" Lots of it.
And be safe...let's make this one an accident-free festival this year !
Lots of great classic hits artists will be performing, like Randy Bachman & Burton Cummings, from Grand Funk Railroad and The Guess Who, respectively. Together. One Band with two separate musical histories to draw from. THAT should be an incredible show.
Also, America will be performing with our own Chattanooga Symphony. Bob Bernhardt, the CSO conductor, always gets a kick out of playing with contemporary artists like America. In recent years, the CSO has done shows with The Moody Blues, Michael McDonald, and many others. It's always a treat, both for the audience as well as the performers.
Speaking of Riverbend and this time of year when it gets soooooooo very hot, remember these hot weather precautions:
Dress comfortably in light colored clothing. Take frequent breaks if you're doing a lot of physical activity outdoors. And above all, stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and sports drinks designed to replenish your bodily fluids.
For Riverbenders, this does NOT mean "have another beer". It means "drink water" Lots of it.
And be safe...let's make this one an accident-free festival this year !
June 2, 2008
Monday, June 2nd !
Hey, Hey Hey ! It's the very first Monday of June, and that always means two things.
Thing number one: Haze, Heat and Humidity are in the forecast !
Thingy number two: Riverbend can't be far away !
As of this writing, Chattanooga's biggest party kicks off in approximately 121 hours. None days of music, food, and fun. With Riverbend also comes the street closures, and they've already gone into effect.
Riverside Drive & Riverfront Parkway from East 2nd Street to M.L. King Boulevard will be closed through Thursday, June 19.
Second Street from Chestnut Street to Power Alley between 2nd & 3rd will be closed through Thursday, June 19.
Riverside Drive WESTBOUND will be closed each night from 3pm until 12 midnight.
Second Street at Walnut as well as Lookout at Third will be closed from 5pm until 12 midnight.
If you'd like to find out more, make sure and check out http://www.riverbendfestival.com/
Also, make sure and listen each weekday morning to Classic Hits WUUS from 5:30am until the end of the 97 minute music marathon. It's good for my ego !
Not only is it good for my ego, but listening then may get you qualified for the Classic Hits WUUS Father's Day Prize Package. The special Dad in your life may win four rounds of golf, complete with cart at Mocassin Bend, a $200.00 gift certificate from Rone Regency Jewlers, a $200.00 gift certificate from Sears Shoes in Ft. Oglethorpe, a whitening pen from Shabo Dental Center, and come cool cutlery from Sportsman's Warehouse !
Did I mention that it would be good for my ego ?
Thing number one: Haze, Heat and Humidity are in the forecast !
Thingy number two: Riverbend can't be far away !
As of this writing, Chattanooga's biggest party kicks off in approximately 121 hours. None days of music, food, and fun. With Riverbend also comes the street closures, and they've already gone into effect.
Riverside Drive & Riverfront Parkway from East 2nd Street to M.L. King Boulevard will be closed through Thursday, June 19.
Second Street from Chestnut Street to Power Alley between 2nd & 3rd will be closed through Thursday, June 19.
Riverside Drive WESTBOUND will be closed each night from 3pm until 12 midnight.
Second Street at Walnut as well as Lookout at Third will be closed from 5pm until 12 midnight.
If you'd like to find out more, make sure and check out http://www.riverbendfestival.com/
Also, make sure and listen each weekday morning to Classic Hits WUUS from 5:30am until the end of the 97 minute music marathon. It's good for my ego !
Not only is it good for my ego, but listening then may get you qualified for the Classic Hits WUUS Father's Day Prize Package. The special Dad in your life may win four rounds of golf, complete with cart at Mocassin Bend, a $200.00 gift certificate from Rone Regency Jewlers, a $200.00 gift certificate from Sears Shoes in Ft. Oglethorpe, a whitening pen from Shabo Dental Center, and come cool cutlery from Sportsman's Warehouse !
Did I mention that it would be good for my ego ?
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